Get Your SLOCA Bearings - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Get Your SLOCA Bearings

{photo by Rachel Neumann}

NOL, IEW, AAS, HEC, MPR… have we lost you? Does FF mean Family File or Friday Foundations? What are all these crazy terms, anyway?

This week Down Home would like to highlight a few things as you prepare for school to start next week. We want to pay special attention to new families who are joining us this year – starting a new school and joining a new community can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help make the transition as smooth as possible. So today we want help you “get your SLOCA bearings,” so to speak. Returning families, you might appreciate this info too! It doesn’t hurt to hear it again, right?

The following is a list of all the acronyms and definitions commonly used here at SLO Classical Academy. You’ll hear and read them often, and eventually you’ll become completely comfortable throwing these terms around. In the meantime, here’s a handy resource to refer to (there will also be a handout with this information given at the parent meeting this Thursday evening):

SLOCA Acronyms and Definitions

SLOCA – San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

sloCAHS – slo Classical Academy High School


Pre – Preschoolers
JrK – Junior Kindergarteners
K – Kindergarteners
P – Primary

  • P1– 1st grade
  • P2– 2nd grade

Int – Intermediate

  • Int 3 – 3rd grade
  • Int 4 – 4th grade

MS – Middle School 

  • LMS – Lower Middle School (5th and 6th grade)
  • UMS – Upper Middle School (7th and 8th grade)

A4 – Track A 4-day program 

B4 – Track B 4-day program 

HS – High School


NOL – Nice Office Lady – these are parents who work at the front office M-F.   They are not just helpful, but an excellent resource if you have questions.   

Family Files – each family has a file near the front door in the main office, organized by tracks.  This is one method of correspondence or communication.  Please check these at least weekly.

Volunteer Log –  the Volunteer Hour Log is a Google Doc electronic file.  To log your hours you will have access to your specific file.  For volunteer opportunities, keep an eye on the Weekly Update and/or you can email the volunteer coordinator at [email protected].  Volunteer hour requirements are 45 hours per year per family.  

Weekly Update – Typically, you will receive the Weekly Update on Friday or Saturday of each week by email.  It will include any important school information you will need to be aware of (Director’s Piece, Events, Acknowledgements, Calendar, etc.)   Please read this carefully each week – this is one of our most important forms of communication.  


AC – Academy Classes (Fridays) – extra enrichment classes that provide an opportunity to try something new or work on specific skills.

Friday Foundations – extra Friday enrichment program with options for morning or morning and AC.


Grid and Narrative – weekly information from your teachers emailed to you on Fridays.  The narrative gives information on what has gone on during the week and what is coming up.   The grid provides the lesson plans – both what will happen at school and what should be done at home.   Please read both the grid and the narrative.   If you have any questions ask fellow parents and/or your teacher.

IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing – writing program used for Primary-Middle School.   Within the program, you will learn some additional acronyms such as KWO – Key Word Outline.   

AAS – All About Spelling – spelling program used in Primary-Intermediate

FLL – First Language Lessons – grammar books used in Primary – LMS

E&E – Three 4 hour days (or 12 hours) per trimester of enrichment and educational activities (E&E) are required for K-UMS in addition to the regular classroom days and assigned home days.  These may include but are not limited to:  additional field trips, scheduled school activities on teacher days, catching up on work, doing extra enrichment work, exploring a topic of interest, viewing documentaries of historical movies, museums, etc.  (preschool, JK and HS families do not do E&E).

Progress Reports – at the end of each trimester, parents of students in K-UMS  will write up a report on how their child has done on the home side of the educational partnership.  Forms are provided and can be downloaded from the website.  This is a time to reflect on the past trimester and set goals for the coming one.  Fellow parents, teachers and staff are always willing to help if needed.


HEC – History Event Committee – this is the committee that works to plan and organize our wonderful history events. 

Liaison – parent who coordinates with the classroom teacher for parties, events such as history day, and possibly classroom connection meetings.  This parent also helps to organize teacher gifts.   They are a classroom go-to parent.

Classroom Connection (CC) Meetings – these are classroom meetings that a liaison and/or teacher will set up if there is a need (i.e. to talk about history day or a specific curriculum).

Mentors/Proteges –mentors are seasoned parents who connect with new families (proteges) to be a resource and  connection as families adjust to SLOCA.


MPM – Mandatory Parent Meeting

  • August – welcome and introduction to the school year
  • January – update and looking forward to what is coming up

HISTORY TRAININGS – trimester history trainings for parents are held as the new trimester begins, and are an opportunity to get an overview of what is coming up.  These are for parents of students in Primary – UMS (preschool, JK, K and HS parents do not need to come unless you have a student in P-UMS).

PPN – Parent Preview Night – information night for those considering the school. These occur throughout the year. 


MPR – Multi-purpose room

Lewis Library – library area in the main office

Small Playground – fenced playground area behind the main office. K-HS students meet here every school morning at 8:25 for the morning meeting, and Pre-Primary students have their recesses here.

Big Playground – large playground area near the lower parking lot

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