Many families feel one of SLO Classical Academy’s strengths to be our commitment as a community to fostering virtue and forging character. The character education that naturally emerges from our history and literature studies helps us press on toward this goal. It would be challenging to find someone who doesn’t believe character counts, but at times our societal values as a whole don’t seem to reflect this same belief.
A popular parenting magazine recently had a little boy on the cover dressed like Steve Jobs in a black turtleneck, wire rim glasses and his hand posed beneath his chin. Cute. Very cute. The cover story was on how to raise genius children.
To read the rest of the article, click here. Then come back and share some ways your family is forging character. Leave an anonymous comment if you like–this isn’t meant to be “Look at our family. Aren’t we so great?” but sharing within our community to encourage and challenge each other.