The first day of school.
Those words conjure up many things–the smell of newly sharpened pencils; shoes, uncomfortable and stiff in their newness; butterflies of nervous anticipation at the beginning of a new year, or your first year.
The first day of school is magical in so many ways–seeing old friends, meeting new ones. Excitedly waving to last year’s teacher and wanting to show her how much you’ve grown over the summer while shyly smiling in the direction of this year’s.
The first day of school often brings tears as parents drop off anxiously excited kindergartners–it doesn’t seem to matter if parents have done this before. Suddenly, the kindergartener looks tiny and their backpacks even bigger.
The first day of school is filled with paperwork and a flurry of activity in the office. Supplies are checked, questions are asked and answered, new families are shown the ropes.
(Double click the collage to view it in a larger format.)
Thanks to Lisa Boyd, Trina Dart, Jaime Mickey & Joy Newman for photos
The first day of school is filled with surprises as the new Associate Director and Lower Middle School Teacher, Mr. Wathen, serenades us with a revamped Bob Marley song.
There was magic laced into every element of the first day–
did you feel the magic?
did you feel the magic?