Weekly Update, November 7, 2007 - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Weekly Update, November 7, 2007

Every week, enrolled families receive a Director’s Update via email, here’s this week’s update. . . .

How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world. ~ William Shakespeare

Dear Parents –

Many of us are weary right now. We are reaching the home stretch of our first trimester in our 2007/2008 pioneering school year, and we have given of ourselves perhaps more than ever before. There are “good deeds” to be done yet, so it is important to find again the purpose behind our work. It is the easy thing to complain, or even give up – but together we need to remind each other that it is to light a fire in our children that brings us together. We don’t do it perfectly at the school nor in the home, but if you are willing to see it, you will notice that things like the history day will throw its light far and wide in the life of our children. Watch for it Friday, look for those little shining moments in your home, and remind yourself that your good deeds – your hard work – truly has a purpose.

Special Announcement:

You will be receiving an email after this one with an attachment that explains the details of History Day. It is lengthy, but PLEASE READ IT. It tells you what time to be there, how we are offering childcare, how to make sure your child is ready, etc. I will keep this update short in order to free you up to read that email! Many hours have been put into this special event – an event meant to inspire our children towards the love of history and art. It is a day of celebration. How you approach that day will definitely affect the way your children experience the day. It isn’t going to be perfect. Kids are going to lose pieces of their costumes, their beards will be crooked, they will wiggle and they will giggle when they are supposed to be still. This is a sign of LIFE, and we are going to celebrate that life and the lives of those that came before us this Friday! Take a deep breath and enjoy the life.

Thanks to all of you for again helping to pave the way for a wonderful event – to the history day committee, to our teachers, to our classroom liaisons, our resident artists, and to the parents who have greatly invested in this event being amazing!

Parents at SLO Classical Academy

Pottery – there is pottery to be picked up in the administrative offices directly across from our outdoor bulletin board. Doors will be open right before, during and after school.

Fall Classics winnings – there are also items from the Fall Classics Fund Raiser to pick up! Make sure you check the winners list and gather your items to bring home!

Notecards are on sale in the office as well – these were put together from our children’s artwork sold at the fund raiser. They are $10 for a pack of 8.

Check out our website! There is all kinds of new stuff on there, including many form downloads, school calendars, a blog and slide shows. We’re getting there! www.sloclassicalacademy.com

Education at SLO Classical Academy

It’s Progress Report time! Don’t panic – we have the forms available in the office and online along with samples for you to peruse. Go to our updated website at www.sloclassicalacademy.com – head to the resources page, down-loadable forms. Scroll down and you will see all sorts of goodies – the parent progress report form, the guidelines for filling them out, and samples from every grade level. Or, just click on this link: http://sloclassicalacademy.com/resources/downloadableforms.html
The Word version of the Progress Report can be completed on your computer then printed out to hand in. If you really have difficulties downloading these, you may stop in the office and pick up hard copies.

2 COPIES OF YOUR PROGRESS REPORTS ARE DUE IN THE OFFICE BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. The teachers will then have access to your feedback as they write their progress reports, which are due to our office by Friday, Nov. 30th. Thank you for honoring our deadline!

Have a great week – see you Friday!

Susie Theule

Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire. – W.B. Yeats

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