Tuesday Tidbit: Trimester 2 Links! - SLO Classical Academy
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Tuesday Tidbit: Trimester 2 Links!

“Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States” by Howard Chandler Christy


Today we offer you more online activities for fun enrichment, relating to our Trimester 2 studies. Again, these are totally optional, but they may come in handy on one of our E&E days, or to use as a reward for completing other school work. This is only a sampling of what's out there, but we hope there’s something on this list that you and your kids will enjoy:

We’ll start off with a classic video. School House Rock – The Preamble:

Pirates of the Preamble game

Constitutionfacts.com : Word finds, crossword puzzles, treasure hunts, and other activities about the Constitution for kids K-12 (and adults too!)

Bill of Rights matching game

Liberty’s Kids info about John Adams (as well as other links to founding fathers and various important people in American history)

A Day in the life of Thomas Jefferson

Explore Monticello, Jefferson’s home

Checks and Balances game

Be President for a day

Patriotic crafts

Go west across America with Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark interactive trail map

Lewis and Clark word search

Lewis and Clark coloring pages

Tons of Native American links, by region

Watch the PBS documentary on the War of 1812 (available to watch online, rated TV-PG, about 2 hours long)

The story of The Star Spangled Banner (and the War of 1812) with activities, including an interactive flag

Lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner

“A Sailor’s Life for Me” animated game about sailors at the the time of the War of 1812

– Caddie Woodlawn printable paper doll and clothes

Pioneer games, toys, and songs (and what life was like on the trail)

– More pioneer games here and here

Photos of early US Postage stamps

Top 10 Industrial Revolution Inventions

PBS Kids Inventor's Workshop

Online games and puzzles about inventors

More inventor games and activities

If any of the above links do not work, please email [email protected] and let us know!

Have you found any other quality educational sites that relate to our history or literature this trimester?

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