Citizenship and Volunteering - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Citizenship and Volunteering

{photo by Brandy Potts}

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. 

— Margaret Mead, American anthropologist (1901-1978)

We received a lovely note from SLOCA mom Kate Scott, and wanted to share it with you. Kate and her husband Mike have 3 boys on track B: Caleb (UMS), Ethan (LMS) and Nicholas (Int). This is their 8th year at SLO Classical Academy.

Kate talks about volunteering, and because volunteering is about giving to others and coming together to make a change in the world, this brought to mind our character trait for this month. We hope her words will encourage you and remind you that giving those precious volunteer hours is a very meaningful way to demonstrate Citizenship. Kate writes:

I was thinking about volunteering….

Sometimes I think that because we track the volunteer hours, it seems to become a “chore” or something else we “have” to do. But, for me… it just seems that whenever I rub up against SLOCA people, whether they be teachers or support staff or other parents, I really really receive more than I give. I am encouraged by a teacher, hugged by a mom, fascinated by books that we read… the list goes on & on.  

That may sound a bit cheese-ball and I don't mean to say that we are a bunch of perfect people running around the perfect campus with perfect children. I think we are a semi-crazy group of people who have come together in community for a love of learning and because we adore our kids. And we make mistakes, lots of them.

I'm not saying that we should volunteer because we expect something in return but I think that sometimes we may lose sight of the reason we are here. It is truly a privilege to be with these people on this campus for this time for this purpose. Savor your volunteer hours and count them like the presents that they are!

Thank you Kate, it's so true. We are part of a group of thoughtful, committed citizens who ARE changing the world, as we invest ourselves in our children's lives and education. 

Parents (and MS/HS students), if you want to volunteer for something new, fun, and exciting, we can really use some help with our thrift store, Fred & Betty’s! Please contact Lillie Lamm, our Fred & Betty's manager, to find out how you can help. A more detailed description of what is needed can be found in the weekly update. 

And don't forget to tell all your friends and family to stop by Fred and Bettys today through Saturday (Sept 19th-21st) for the $5 bag sale!

Come fill your bag for a flat rate of $5. Everything else in the store will be 50% off! Everything must go! The store is located at 532 Higuera (formerly known as Vintage House). We definitely need volunteers to help work during these days to make sure we are well staffed, so please, please, contact Lillie and come help in our new venture!

Tomorrow is Friday, and that means Friday Faces! Alright, guess which of our Little Wonders staff listed “an extra in a movie” and “a part time elevator operator” as previous jobs? Leave your guess in the comments below, then come back tomorrow to find out who it is! 

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