Magical Moments: Intermediate Olympics - SLO Classical Academy
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Magical Moments: Intermediate Olympics

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

As athletes in the 2014 WInter Olympics earn honor and glory in Russia, we want to share that a few of our SLOCA classes deserve a little fame and recognition too, for recently participating in their own version of the Olympic games! Intermediate teacher Lisa Ann Dillon tells a bit about the Olympic pledges the Track A kids wrote, and we have photos from both tracks of the games for you to enjoy this morning:

In order to develop an understanding of the complicated concept of Greek City States, Intermediate students participated in our own version of the Olympics.  Ours were intentionally a bit wacky but one aspect we took seriously was the writing of the pledge.  Students worked in small groups and were each assigned one city-state.  They began by first reading together the attributes of the city states of Argos, Athens, Corinth, Megara, and Sparta.  Once they understood what differentiated a Spartan from an Athenian or a Megarian from a Corinthian, the groups set about writing their pledges.  Students used a partially formulated template but the words they filled in revealed that they had done an excellent job of learning about the chosen city-states' customs, concerns, and what they concentrated on.  As you read through the pledges, see if you can identify the big differences that existed from these groups in Ancient Greece!

Team Argos

I pledge my honor and respect to my city state of Argos. I promise to display loyalty, creativity, and courtesy. We honor our accomplishments in art, science, and poetry. I will always work my hardest to be victorious. I will never steal or cheat no matter what. I will make the goddess Hera proud by respecting my elders. 

Team Athens

I pledge my honor and respect to my city state of Athens. I promise to display loyalty, honor, and capability. We honor our accomplishments in education, art, and sciences. I will always argue respectfully. I will never disrespect my elders. I will make the goddess Athena proud by voting for good causes, and always being honest and courteous.

Team Corinth

I pledge my honor and respect to my city state of Corinth. I promise to display bravery and creativity. We honor our accomplishments in pottery, vase painting, and bronze statues. I will always be diligent in times of need. I will never be dishonest. I will make the god Poseidon proud by never cheating in the Olympic games, and having good sportsmanship.

Team Megara

I pledge my honor and respect to my city state of Megara. I promise to display good citizenship and respect the other city-states in the games. We honor our accomplishments in arts, poetry, sciences and public speaking. I will always be allies with the Spartans. I will never root for Athens in the games. I will make the god Apollo proud by raising up my children wisely, fighting for freedom, and never giving up!

Team Sparta

I pledge, as a citizen of Sparta, to remain proud and fierce and fight to the death, to feel pain and not cry out, and to do everything we can to win. I will never give up. We will keep the gods Artemis and Ares happy by being victorious.

What a great job, kids! And as you can see, they had a blast competing in their own Olympic games:

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

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{photo by Michelle Dorman}

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

{photo by Cecilia Nutting}

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