Magical Moments: Preschool Discovery Hour - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Magical Moments: Preschool Discovery Hour

{photos by Jessica Wilson}

This Wednesday, February 12th, we are hosting another one of our magical Preschool Discovery Hours, which will be held from 9-10 am in the SLOCA Library. Please join Denise Indvik for a creative morning together with your children, ages 2 1/2 to 5.  We will be celebrating Healthy Hearts month with reading, singing, and crafting about exercise!  Please help spread the word and invite a friend to join us! This event is free and open to the public, and is an excellent chance for the community to find out about our awesome Litttle Wonders program.

Every month's Preschool Discovery Hour focuses on a different theme, often revolving around a science.  Mrs. Indvik and the children explore the topic together using literature, music, direct observation, and crafts. Upcoming topics will include birds and eggs, seeds, and kindness. 


Here are a few photos from last month’s Discovery Hour, which was all about snow:

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