Rather than give you a list of ways to show kindness (we can all figure that out, right?) we found a way to be more purposeful in noticing acts of kindness around us. It’s often easier to spot hurtful or negative behaviors, but kindness happens too, and so why not look for it?
That’s the idea behind this clever game, created by Mandy from thehankfulhouse. It’s Kindness Bingo – if you want to give it a try, click on the image below to get the full-sized board from her site, print it out and then make a game out of it. (Or use the idea and make your own board, with acts of kindness you want to look for.) Whenever you witness one of the actions, simple cross it off. You can do one board as a family and try to go for a blackout, or print one for each family member and “compete.” It’s a fun way to train ourselves to notice kindness, which will hopefully translate to showing more of it as well.
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