Friday Faces: Lead Team - SLO Classical Academy
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Friday Faces: Lead Team


Last year's Friday Faces brought you our incredible Lead Team and here they are, serving our school again this year. Read their previous answers:

Susie Theule

Visionary and Executive Director

Q: What is your degree in?

A: Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Q: What was your last job before your SLOCA life?

A: I was in private practice as a psychologist in Orange County.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Wish I didn't have to wake up!  I'm not a morning person at all.  After trying to figure out what day it is, I mentally run through the day and then usually head to the coffee pot to brew up my wicked decaf, which I drink like it's the real thing.

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: I love Taco Temple in Morro Bay, and we have a favorite little sushi place called Izakaya Raku in Grover.  

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A:  I loved Katy and the Big Snow as a little girl, and Nancy Drew mysteries a bit later.  I read every one!  Funny, my kids haven't been interested in them at all – I think it's because they are used to better literature.  : )

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A:  Oh, that's a tough one.  I have enjoyed almost all of them – Unbroken (HS), To Kill a Mockingbird (HS), The Wanderings of Odysseus (MS), The Odyssey (HS), Tom Sawyer (all), Treasure Island (all), The Shakespeare Stealer – too many to list!  I love the books from Kindergarten and Primary too – I cry with them all (no joke) every single time I read them out loud.  Even after “five in a row!”

Amy Calloway

Admissions Director

Q: What is your degree in?

A: People management.  🙂  No really, I do not have a degree, just many many years of hands-on experience dealing with people.

Q: What was your last job before your SLOCA life?

A: I worked for PG&E at Diablo Canyon for 17 years.  During part of this time,  I was also a Virtual Assistant working with people all over the country virtually from home.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Check my email of course, someone always has a question.

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: Just about anything with Sushi.  Goshis is the best!

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: There are so many!   I was thrilled to see Tikki Tikki Tembo on someone's grid recently.  I loved that book when I was little.  I can still say the long, long name.  Just ask me!  I also loved The Secret Garden.  And of course any mystery book:  Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The Bobsey Twins, The Dana Girls.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: There are so many, but I loved Tom Sawyer.  Also loved all of the myths that we have read.  

Kateri Rein

High School and Enrichment Director

Q: What is your degree in?

A: Sociology, Mills College 

Q: What was your last job before your SLOCA life?

A: Worked with special ed children at Hening Elementary School in Chesterfield, VA. 

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Check the weather

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: Noi's in Los Osos and Taco Temple in Morro Bay

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: I loved books and reading as a child, so can't choose just one, but these stand out:

Baby Dear by Esther and Eloise Wilkins, A is for Annabelle by Tasha Tudor, Flicka, Ricka, Dicka series by Maj Lindman, The Magic Friend Maker by Gladys Baker Bond, Little Ballerina by Dorothy Grider and Heidi by Johanna Spyri.  The older I got, the more I gravitated towards historical fiction.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: Well, I am clearly not able to choose just a favorite of anything and these questions are getting harder?!  Really enjoy most of the literature we read (some more than others), but Kindy and Primary books are particularly dear to me.  Not just because of their precious stories and illustrations, but they continue to be part of our lives.  Even as my children grow older, they still enjoy reading them and we will reminisce about the times they read them when younger.

Cozy Faber

Development Director

Q: What is your degree in?

A: BA in English Literature

Q: What was your last job before your SLOCA life?

A: Before kids and SLOCA life, I lived and worked up in Silicon Valley where I helped start-ups launch and get off the ground.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Turn my alarm off and check to see if CNN sent me any important news alerts during the night – Ha!

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: I love Giuseppe's in SLO.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: The Velveteen rabbit – it was the first book that ever brought me to tears. 

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: January's Sparrow that book changed me.  Every American should be required to read it!

Lead Team members featured elsewhere:

Merideth Eades

Preschool Director and Jr. Kinder Core Teacher (Track A)

Many thanks to our lead team for daily giving to our community, and for letting us get to know more about you!

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