Terms of Endearment for Your Heart’s Gleam - SLO Classical Academy
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Terms of Endearment for Your Heart’s Gleam

{image credit: Garden Bouquet“ by Alison Benbow / CC BY 2.0}

If you’re planning to shower extra love on your little lambkins, or send a sweet card to your ladybird or bully this Valentine’s Day, here’s a way to uniquely express your feelings the way the Bard might have:

10 Shakespearean Terms of Endearment 

(Yes, “bully” was an affectionate name for a friend in Shakespeare’s time!) Learn a few more names Shakespeare bestowed upon friends and sweethearts with the above link.

Or if you’re in the mood for more Medieval sentiments, try using this link to craft clever Valentines:

Medieval Terms of Endearment

There are some very sweet and interesting names and phrases here to use on your friends and loved ones this Valentine’s Day. Your kids might enjoy trying them out too!

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