Magical Moments: The Wonder of Recitation - SLO Classical Academy
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Magical Moments: The Wonder of Recitation

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I hope that my readers will train their children in the art of recitation; in the coming days, more even than in our own will it behoove every educated man and woman to be able to speak effectively in public; and, in learning to recite you learn to speak.

~ Charlotte Mason (1842-1923)

This week's Magical Moment is a little different, in that instead of sharing photos, we have a few thoughts to share about one of the most wonderful elements of our curriculum here at SLO Classical Academy.

Two weeks ago we enjoyed our annual Primary Recitation Nights on Wednesday, May 13 (Track A) and Thursday, May 14 (Track B). GREAT JOB, KIDS!!! And last week our Intermediate students recited poetry at Mission View Health Center on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, bringing joy to the residents there. 

Each year we look forward to these events with great anticipation and excitement. It is a sweet time to hear our young children recite in front of an audience and gain early practice in public speaking. We know it's hard work, and can even be downright scary! But as Charlotte Mason wisely observed in the above quote, this early training in the art of recitation is a valuable learning tool.

We have also heard of the value of memorization and recitation from Andrew Pudewa, founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW). In his article, Nurturing Competent Communicators, he states:

“There is perhaps no greater tool than memorization to seal language patterns into a human brain, and there is perhaps nothing more effective than poetry to provide exactly what we want: reliably correct and sophisticated language patterns… A child with a rich repertoire of memorized poetry will inevitably demonstrate superior linguistic skills, both written and spoken, because of those patterns which are so deeply ingrained in the brain.” 

Our students at every level are memorizing poetry all year long, and we applaud their efforts! Even those who aren’t in Primary or Intermediate are reciting in class. The hard work of diligent memorization, and the nervous excitement that comes with recitation are worth it! This method of building language skills is a precious gift that will benefit our children in untold ways. 

An example of the rewards of this discipline can be seen in our middle and high school students' writing skills. Did you attend the Hanging Lantern Review's Spring Reading and Release party last Tuesday night? Several SLOCA middle and high school students entered their own poems and stories in this county-wide writing contest, and the published winners had the chance to read their entries aloud to an audience. It is evident in our older students that the foundation of instilling “reliably correct and sophisticated language patterns” into the brain through poetry memorization can lead to a skill and passion for writing.

We are so very proud of all of our SLOCA kids at every level who are memorizing, reciting, writing, speaking, learning, growing… you are all incredible young people! 

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