Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas

{image credit: Good Cheap Eats}

Tuesdays here at Down Home will usually feature topics about homeschooling, home life, chores, parenting, organization, recipes, love of learning, and fun series such as “A Day in the Life.” 

Since we are changing up Wednesdays (more on that tomorrow!), today we’d like to share a few ideas for easy weeknight meals. School just started, we are still getting into routines, and some nights cooking dinner can be super challenging. But feeding our families is a vital part of daily life, and we want to grow strong bodies just like we want to grow strong minds. I (Jenny) enjoy cooking when I have the time. When I don’t have the time, I still try to put real food on the table most nights, but I take help wherever I can get it! This week I am taking advantage of quick and easy dinner ideas like these:

Good Cheap Eats: Quick Supper Ideas

Each of the five dinners presented look delicious and easy to prepare, and there are even options for picky kids! My family recently tried the Chicken Cilantro Rice Bowls (shown in the photo above) on a busy night after we got home from volleyball practice, and they were awesome. Give some of these a try in the next few weeks, or anytime during the school year when you need to feed your family in a hurry. 

If there’s something you’d like to see featured here on the blog, or if you have something to contribute to this category (homeschooling tips, a tutorial, a recipe, a great article or resource, etc.) please email us and let us know! We love to involve our parents and connect with each other in this way.

SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with the above mentioned website or individual.

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