Friday Faces 2015: Little Wonders and Kindergarten - SLO Classical Academy
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Friday Faces 2015: Little Wonders and Kindergarten

{photo credit: Jessica Wilson, staff photos: Michelle Dorman}

Today’s edition of Friday Faces introduces our Little Wonders and Kindergarten teachers. These are the ladies that nurture our youngest growing minds, and we are so thankful for the many ways they weave together learning and play to create a rich, fun, educational atmosphere for our littles:


Merideth Eades

Little Wonders Early Childhood Director
and Jr. K Teacher (Track A)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: 8 years

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: My husband and I were invited to attend an information meeting for our daughter Hayden who would have been entering Kindergarten. That was 8 years ago. At the same time, I interviewed and was offered a teaching position at SLOCA which I happily accepted. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I always knew I would work in education some day. My mother was a teacher and I loved going with her to school. In the beginning, I taught preschool then elementary school. I love that I have come full circle and am working with younger children again. 

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: I own around 20 pairs of shoes but spend most of my time in my flip flops. 

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: I don't really eat pizza but when I do, I like specialty pizzas like Thai Pizza. 

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A: I read Death by Meeting, Getting Naked (a business fable) Mindset and Bringing the Froebel Approach to Your Early Years for work. I am reading My Name is Malala for pleasure. I also read aloud many books to my children. 


Wendy Rey

Little Wonders Assistant Director
and Preschool Teacher (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: Since the school started in 2005

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: A friend invited me to an information night to see if it would be a good educational fit for our family.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A Veterinarian

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Um…. Probably 15, but I only wear about 8 of them. 

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Chicken and artichokes 

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A: Bringing the Froebel Approach to Your Early Years


Amy Turner

Jr. K Teacher (Track B) and
Friday Foundations Little Wonders Teacher

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  This will be my seventh year as a SLOCA parent and my 4th year on the Little Wonders team. 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A:  It was clear after 3 months in public kindergarten that my son needed a change. His old preschool teacher mentioned SLOCA. We toured and have been here ever since. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  I wanted to be so many things when I was little. An actress, a lawyer, a teacher, a mom, and a dancer are all things I wanted to be. 

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A:  I own a dozen pair of shoes. 

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  I take my gluten free pizza without cheese and loaded with pepperoni and veggies.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A:  I read The Rosie Project by Graeme C. Simsion. It was a fun, light read.


Jessica Wilson

Preschool Teacher (Track A) and
Little Wonders Assistant (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This will be my third year, and I love it!

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school?
A: When I first moved to SLO in 2010, I hit the internet looking for play and project-based preschools to work at. I found SLOCA and was bummed that there was no preschool program. Fast forward three years and I found a listing which made me jump up and down and pounce!

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: According to my Dr. Seuss illustrated My Book About Me, I wanted to be “A Arthor” when I grew up. I’ve always loved books and I wanted to be an author. Still do!

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: I’ve just konmari’d my closet and did an enormous purge to make room for new joyful things so there are shoes upon shoes and some new shoes to boot. Oh and boots too! Um, under twenty and they are all quite loved.

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Good old fashioned fresh garlic unless I’m going for a fancy pizza then I want fontina cheese, balsamic vinegar, figs, and bacon (or if you want to get extra fancy, prosciutto).

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A: I try to read 100 books a year (including new children’s books) and am quite behind this year. Summer was full of catch up and there are so many but Cecil the Pet Glacier written by Matthea Harvey and illustrated by Giselle Potter (one of my favorites) had me wanting to write up all sorts of curriculum to go along with it.


Mary Knudson

Kinder Lead Teacher
and Educational Consultant

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: 6 years 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: I first discovered SLOCA as a parent of two young boys. I was very drawn to the hybrid model. Over time I began to learn more about the school and realized that not only could I envision our children attending the school (once they were of age), but that it would be an amazing place to teach.  I had recently received my multiple subject teaching credential from Cal Poly and was looking to be a part of a community that valued an alternative educational path to what I saw being taught in the public schools.  My husband and I toured the school and knew when we walked off the campus that morning that we had found something special.  I promptly applied for an open teaching position and began teaching the following fall.  We've been hooked ever since – each year gaining more and more admiration for all SLOCA offers to our family and all those that attend.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  I wanted to own a flower shop or work as a pharmacist.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: 10

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Tomato, basil and fresh garlic.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A: The Fringe Hours by Jessica N. Turner


Amy Houser

Kindergarten Teacher (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This will be my 5th year.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A:  I was looking for a job and my sister-in-law found the job posting on craigslist and told me about it.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  I wanted to be a helicopter pilot for the longest time!

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A:  I own more than necessary, but I would be lost without my flip flops!

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  Pineapple

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A:  I am currently reading Executive Orders, but I am still trying to decide if I am enjoying it.


Katie Bunch

Kindergarten Teacher (Track A) and
Friday Foundations Kindergarten Teacher

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This is my first year at SLOCA and I am so excited to be joining such an awesome team. 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: I heard about SLOCA through a friend and was very intrigued. The more I learned the more I was drawn to SLOCA, because I am passionate about being part of a community dedicated to working together to provide an amazing educational experience for students. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in second grade. I even turned my parents’ garage into a classroom and recruited all the neighborhood kids to be my students. 

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: I probably own around 22 pairs, but I have 4 pairs that I wear 90 percent of the time.

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Anything, but I love the artisan pizzas with unusual toppings. 

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.​
A: This summer I went back and read Treasure Island, which I remember my Dad reading to me as a kid. I love revisiting books that I have fond memories of. 

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