Dinner Party with a Purpose: Allergy-Friendly Surf & Turf - SLO Classical Academy
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Dinner Party with a Purpose: Allergy-Friendly Surf & Turf

{photos by Lydia Ross}

There are still a few spots available for this month’s very special Dinner Party with a Purpose, and we want to tell you how amazing it's going to be! This exceptional dinner will be hosted by Lydia and Doug Ross, Track B parents to Carsen (UMS). Here’s the scoop on what you can expect:

Roasted beet salad on a bed of arugula with candied pumpkin seeds. Lobster tail and bacon-wrapped filet mignon. Prosciutto crisp with creamy polenta, topped with sautéed mushrooms.

These are a few of the sumptuous dishes that will be presented to guests at SLOCA’s upcoming Dinner Party with a Purpose. Seats are available for the 6:30 p.m. feast, which will be held Saturday, January 16 at the home of Lydia and Doug Ross, who are looking forward to hosting a memorable evening with fellow parents and friends.

“I love doing dinner parties and entertaining,” Lydia Ross said. “I look forward to treating our guests to a fun evening.”

For Lydia, her family and guests, the dinner will also be an opportunity to eat foods free of gluten, dairy, eggs and nuts. The Ross family is well aware of the dangers posed by food allergies, given that Lydia, her son, Carsen (a middle school student at SLOCA), and daughter, Sydnee, have them. “My story behind our Dinner Party with a Purpose is inspired by a love of cooking creatively with allergy-friendly ingredients that are organic and nourishing. My children having been diagnosed with celiac, and my son with additional severe food allergies to dairy, eggs, and all nuts, have really motivated me to create foods they can eat without fear,” she explained.

So, when Lydia was asked to serve gluten, dairy, egg and nut-free dishes for the dinner, she welcomed the challenge. The food, she said, will be prepared with her passion for great food in mind, and with the utmost care, modifying recipes to make certain that the meal is safe to eat. 

“It warms my heart to watch my children eat things I've created and not feel they have to miss out on foods most people take for granted. Living with food allergies and celiac has taught us gratitude for the things we can have and to not allow it to stand in the way of enjoying our life to the fullest, including our love of food. That’s the idea behind the dinner…to try to provide a meal that is yummy but that is for people with food allergies who may not be able to go to any of the other dinners,” she said.

“I was honored by being invited to take part in making a meal for those who have food allergies who can not always enjoy the experience of dining out without fear or limitations. I want the meal to be comparable to an experience that you would have at a fine restaurant and to elevate the quality of the food,” Lydia added. “Everyone deserves to have a fine dining experience without the fear of being sick.”

Though not a trained chef, Lydia has years of experience preparing food for those with limited diets and has a passion for cooking and entertaining. She and her husband Doug also share a love of wine, especially our amazing local wineries. “We have a small private family vineyard which we harvest as a family, and will also share our own wine from grapes grown on our property. One of our favorite local wineries, Laetitia Winery, has also generously donated champagne and wine for our Dinner Party with a Purpose,” she included.

Aside from the exquisite meal, the Ross family also is honored to make an important contribution to SLOCA, which they believe has taken “such great care of educating our children with the highest possible quality of educators, materials and environment.” 

“We look forward to getting to know our SLOCA family better by hosting this meal – this cause is close to our hearts!” said Lydia and Doug. “With happy grateful hearts we hope you will be our guests!”


The Menu 

Appetizer: Prosciutto Crisp with Creamy Polenta topped with Sautéed Mushrooms

Starter: Roasted Beet Salad on bed of Arugula with Candied Pumpkin Seeds

Main Course: Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon and Lobster Tail with a side of 

Asparagus and Roasted Thyme Scalloped Potatoes 

Dessert: Baked Alaska 

Champagne and wine provided by Laetitia Winery 

CLICK HERE for tickets to this decadent and allergy-free Surf & Turf Dinner Party! 

Thank you, Lydia and Doug, for opening up your home and preparing such a thoughtful and inspired meal for our community! 

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