While not exactly a “wonder moment,” today we just have a cute photo to share from earlier in the school year. Here are several of our high school girls braiding each other’s hair… such a fun moment to capture! We hope this brings a smile to your face on this cold January day.
Our high school students are preparing to move into their new campus across the street VERY soon, and we will be sharing more about that on the blog too, so stay tuned! Exciting times for sloCAHS!
Speaking of our high school (and middle school) students, we want to remind all aspiring young writers that the deadline for all Hanging Lantern Review entries is January 22! If you're feeling stuck but want to submit something, try out this great poetry writing exercise written by Hanging Lantern Review's editor-in-cheif, Caleb Campbell: http://hanginglanternreview.com/post/136618909316/tips-for-amateur-poets-form
Stay warm and dry, everyone…