Pages of William Shakespeare's first folio at the Bodlean Library, Oxford
(photo by Ben Sutherland via flickr / CC BY 2.0}
Monday Mix-ins is back, and today is all about Shakespeare! We are studying the bard in history right now, and we will be once again reading one of his plays this spring. As you learn about Shakespeare’s life and legacy, here are a few optional ideas to explore:
William Shakespeare Mini-Biography – from
Globe Theater Tours:
Shakespeare’s Globe Theater:
BrainPOP William Shakespeare – BrainPop is an educational site that requires a membership to view most of their content, but they do have a few free videos, including this one they have shared on YouTube.
And if your kids remember Hamlet from last year, they might like this silly video from Sesame Street – Patrick Stewart Soliloquy on B:
All Things Shakespeare – this was last year’s blog post about the master playwright, and most of the following websites are taken directly from it. This post also has links to fun merchandise, and many of it can be found in our school store!
Shakespeare’s Words, the online version of the book, Shakespeare’s Words: A Glossary and Language Companion – This site integrates the full text of Shakespeare’s plays and poems with a Glossary database, allowing you to search for any word or phrase in Shakespeare's works, along with character lists, synopses, and more. There’s a ton to explore on this site.
From the above, here’s a list of Shakespearean Greetings and Exclamations.
Shakespeare for Kids – This website features fun facts, challenges, games, coloring, puzzles, and more for children.
BBC’s William Shakespeare site – More info and activities for kids.
Sharpen your wits with this online Shakespearean insult generator. Very fun!
A few more additions for this year:
The Globe Theater – Travel back in time and go to a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theater.
Shakespeare for Kids – Fun activities from the Folger Shakespeare Library.
And here’s a collection of Shakespeare printables.