Reminder for UMS students only: Ms. AnnE wants to see you TONIGHT at the April Fools Happy 80s Party! There will be Food, Music, Prizes, and of course Good People. Tonight from 5-9 in the MPR.
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
~Mother Teresa
It may be April 1st, but today's blog is no joke!
Words are powerful, and when we are intentional about speaking encouraging words to our kids it shapes who they are becoming and can have life-long positive effects.
But of course this isn’t always easy! So often we are busy, with too much to do, and it’s not uncommon to realize that the whole day has flown by and we didn’t purposefully speak encouraging words to our kids. Can anyone relate? (I can!)
As we head into this weekend at the beginning of the third and final trimester of the school year, let’s think about the words we speak when interacting with our children. Here’s a useful tool from Creative with Kids that can help remind us to choose supportive, kind, inspiring words to say to our kids daily:
64 Positive Things to Say to Kids (fun printable included!)
Lists and visuals that organize and simplify important ideas like this can be beneficial, and maybe this one will help infuse a little more positive encouragement into your daily routine. We can all use that!
“You never know the words of encouragement from you that your kids will carry with them for years.”
~Alissa from Creative with Kids
Do you have memories of positive words your parents or grandparents would say to you in tough times, or on a daily basis? Are there positive words you try to consistently use with your own kids? If you have any phrases or memories like this to share, please leave them in the comments below. Have a great weekend!