Tuesday Ten: Teacher Appreciation - SLO Classical Academy
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Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Tuesday Ten: Teacher Appreciation

Just a few of our fantastic Team SLOCA teachers! {photo by Michelle Dorman}

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.

We sure do LOVE our teachers here at SLO Classical Academy! They bring learning to life with meaningful assignments and rich classroom discussions, and they get to know each child, working with individual strengths and challenges. They plan our weekly lessons for us and give advice for problem-solving on the home front. Collaborating with families, they help forge character, foster wisdom, and nurture a lifelong passion for learning in our children. We think they are pretty amazing and we’re truly thankful for their leadership and support!

Well, Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up the first week of May. How can we shower our teachers with gratitude and let them know just how special they are to us and our kids? 

Your class might plan something as a group (Decorate their classroom as a surprise? Wash their car? Make a giant card? Put together a photo book of the year?), but if you want to do express your individual appreciation in an easy way, today we bring you a quick list of ten possibilities that you and/or your kids could try – hopefully some of these are different that what you’ve done in the past. (And of course, these can be done throughout the year, not just during the first week of May!)

1. Tell your teacher about a “wonder” moment you had because of them. 
This one is primarily for the kids (but we adults learn a lot from our SLOCA teachers too…). What teacher wouldn’t love to hear from a student about something meaningful learned or experienced in their class? Teachers love to know that what they are doing connects with students’ lives. This is certainly easy and only takes a little thought. It could be written in a card or simply expressed in person.

2. Visit the classroom of a previous teacher.
Again, this applies to students as well as parents. Pop in and say hi to one of your former teachers who is still on campus, and let them know how much you appreciated them and learned from them. Share how things are going for you now, and maybe talk about a favorite memory from when you were in their class. 

3. Write them a thank you note, Shakespeare-style.
If anyone would appreciate this, it’s SLOCA teachers – and it’s fun! Give it a try on your own, or maybe this English to Shakespeare translator can be of use…? 

{image, right, via Amazon}

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
~William Shakespeare

4. Compliment their appearance.
This isn’t as shallow as it sounds! Everyone appreciates a nice compliment, and it feels good when someone takes the time to notice. (Students, try this…)

5. Bake them a treat.
For this one (and the next) you need to know if your teacher has any food restrictions, but a simple “cookie jar” like this is adorable and everyone knows that home-baked goodies are filled with love.

6. Bring them a smoothie.
Truly, I did this once and it was a hit! (Check out our recent smoothie blog post for recipe ideas.) Load it up with superfoods for those superheroes! 

{photo, left, via The Blender Girl}

7. Leave a surprise in their staff mailbox.
This could be a little something sweet, a nice note of encouragement, a small gift card, or any token of appreciation. Ask the NOL – she can make sure it gets in the right box. 

8. Get them a coffee card or gift card for the school store.
If your teacher likes coffee, that is! But there are other treats and drinks for sale in the store too, as well as beautiful books, gifts, SLOCA swag, and… you know. Teachers love all that stuff too! This might be a great idea to go in on with the whole class, or with a few families. 

9. Bring in a book for the classroom library.
Have your child pick out their favorite book, either one they read this year or any quality children’s book, and donate it to the classroom. Have them “autograph” it by writing a sweet note to the teacher inside (don’t forget to include the year). This is a special way to grow a teacher’s classroom library with wonderful children’s literature. 

10. Make a meaningful gift.
Okay fine, we know that some people love to give crafty gifts and there is undoubtedly nothing wrong with that – it’s a beautiful and worthy skill! If this is your thing and you want ideas, here’s a mega-list of super creative gift ideas to make (or purchase) for that special teacher: 101 of the Best Teacher Appreciation Ideas or check out Pinterest.

And of course, you can’t beat a handwritten note/drawing, or flowers from your yard for a simple and sincere thank you. These are always deeply appreciated by teachers and staff! Keep it easy – just be present and thoughtful whatever you choose to do recognize and honor your teachers.

A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.
~Author Unknown

We would definitely love to hear your creative suggestions for showing appreciation to our teachers – chime in below!  


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