Monday Mix-ins: Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Puritans - SLO Classical Academy
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Monday Mix-ins: Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Puritans

The Westminster Assembly in a Victorian history painting by John Rogers Herbert (1847)
{Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons} 

Let’s take a look at another early colony over in New England. Today’s mix-ins are all about the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the Puritans:


The Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded in 1629 – This short video gives a brief overview of the colony and the Puritans:


Singing History: Massachusetts Bay Colony – Here’s a short history of this colony set to music:


Puritans-Family Life in Early New England – This 10-minute film is a 1950's re-enactment of Puritan life in early America, and includes interaction with native Indian population, candle making and popcorn:



America’s First Book – Known as the “Bay Psalm Book,” this Puritan hymnal was the first book printed in America. 

Colonial Period Student Activities – Here are a few fun arts and crafts activities you might want to try. E&E!

Colonial Recipes – Any of these would make a great hands-on cooking experience for kids. 

The Time Machine – This is an interactive game from the US Mint – choose the “1667 Colonial Era” option.

Fling the Teacher: The Puritans and Elizabeth II – Here’s another game kids can play online while learning about history.

The Goody Parsons Educational Website – Check out several links about the famous trials involving Goody Parsons, including primary documents and interactives. May be best for older kids.

Salem Witchcraft Hysteria – Here’s another site that is best suited for older kids because of the topic. With this activity from National Geographic you can experience the 1692 Salem witch-hunt in an interactive online trial.


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