Friday Faces: Look and Find… Primary and Intermediate - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces: Look and Find… Primary and Intermediate

SLOCA parents, we'd like to remind you to enter Down Home's drawing for a chance to win a kombucha card at the school store! There's one week left to enter. Read last week's blog about apps for the info, or go straight to the response page:

Click here to submit your response.

Ready to play again? We hope you enjoyed reading our staff bios last week to find out about our Little Wonders teachers. This week we bring you clues for our Primary and Intermediate teachers! How well do you know them? Take a guess, or read through the Primary and Intermediate teacher bios to figure it out.

Once again, we challenge you to list your guesses/answers in the comments below, and we will post today’s answers in next week’s hunt. Have fun!

Go to the Our Staff page of our website to find these Primary and Intermediate teachers. Here are the names to choose from:

Lisa Ann Dillon
Melinda Fragasso
Corin Koren
Jennifer Perneel
Kaitlyn Perry
Ronelle Stowell
Caroline Vaccaro
Lisa Wallace

1. This teacher began college as a Spanish major. She homeschooled her own kids, which she declares is where most of her own education truly took place. Her love of learning was ignited the day her first son was born, with “That overwhelming realization that there was so much to teach him…” By the way, she has 4 sons and 5 grandsons. No girls! 

2. This teacher is among the lucky ones who can say that they grew up in SLO. After graduating from universities in Irvine and Santa Barbara, she taught in Washington and Salt Lake City before coming back to the Central Coast. She loves the outdoors. She also inherited her grandmother’s piano and is feeling the call to learn how to play. 

3. Much like the teacher above, here’s another teacher who grew up in SLO and went to school in Santa Barbara. (She also has one other thing in common with the teacher above, but we won’t tell you what it is… do you know?) She was working in the world of Technology and Pharmaceutical Sales before she came to SLOCA. She is sporty as well, playing and coaching soccer and basketball. 

4. Believe it or not, this teacher ALSO grew up in San Luis Obispo! (We have a theme going…) But this teacher has another “home” where she has spent a lot of time – Israel.  She first traveled there for a ‘gap year’ program for her first year of college, and it was there that she experienced the ignition of her lifelong love of learning. You might find this teacher on her bike or playing beach volleyball if she has the time. 

5. Raised in the Bay Area, this teacher’s love of learning shows in the fact that she worked hard to receive a B.S. and M.A. in Psychology and went on to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical Ecosystemic Child and Family Psychology. Whew! She initially found SLOCA for her kids, and now she loves working here. In the year ahead, she wants to learn yoga.

6. This teacher hails from the Midwest, having been raised in Omaha, Nebraska. It was the example of her history teacher during her senior year of high school that fanned her lifelong passion for learning into flame. She teaches privately in the community as well as at SLOCA, and she loves to be outdoors! She would like to learn Spanish and how to surf. 

7. This teacher’s mother would tell you that she ALWAYS had her nose in a book as a child. She graduated from our very own Cal Poly. After teaching for awhile and finding herself discouraged and ready leave the world of teaching behind, she stumbled upon SLOCA. She likes to say that SLOCA saved her teaching career! 

8. This teacher, from St. Louis, Missouri, has a degree in Theater Arts and always has a great story to tell. She loves to read aloud to her kids and even to herself! Growing up, she struggled to retain what she learned, but in college her passion for learning was lit when she discovered that she was a kinesthetic learner and that she could learn things on a deep level. When she heard about SLOCA and came to see what was happening on campus, she says “SLOCA had me at ‘Hello’.” 

Alright, enter your answers in the comments below – thanks for playing! 

Here are the answers to last week’s Little Wonders Friday Faces:

1. Sarah Root
2. Jessica Wilson
3. April Bodine
4. Amy Turner
5. Amy Houser

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