Friday Faces: Look and Find… Support Staff - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Friday Faces: Look and Find… Support Staff

Welcome back to our final (for now) round of Friday Faces! We hope to bring you one more set when we get a few more Team SLOCA members up on our Staff page, but for now this will acquaint you with everyone listed so far. 

One more time, here are your instructions: Read the clues below and try to match them with the names provided. If you’re not sure, go to the Our Staff page on our website to read about each of these vital members of Team SLOCA. We also challenge you to list your answers in the comments!

Here are this week’s names to choose from:

Kaitlyn Cutler
Emily Ferrarini
Erin Luton
Tiffany Ratliff
Brenda Tebbets
Edna Tonko

1. This widely-traveled staff member has moved many times in her life, due to being part of a proud military family. She homeschooled her own children using the classical model before discovering SLOCA, so it was a natural transition. When her kids started SLOCA, she jumped into just about every volunteer position that was available, prior to taking on her current role.  She only wishes she had had the foundation her kids have received here, which would have enriched her travel experiences as a young adult.

2. As a child growing up in Kansas City, MO, this staff member spent a lot of free time reading everything she could find at the library. Five years ago, she began working at SLOCA simply as a way to stay busy while her kids were attending school, but since then her role here has become much more meaningful. She loves Classical Education and gets “super fired up over poetry recitation.” Outside of school she enjoys being somewhere quiet with a book and her dog, and in the coming year she hopes to perfect sourdough bread baking.

3. This kind, happy, and welcoming Team SLOCA member grew up in Quartz Hill, CA, and came to SLO to earn her degree from Cal Poly. She has a background in tourism and hospitality. Her own love of learning was ignited through an Art History class she took in high school, and she loves how Classical Education fosters connections through art, literature, and history. She recently took up skateboarding, and enjoys getting to know international students in our area. 

4. Here’s another member of our team who has worn many hats around the school. Her own lifelong passion for learning did not begin until her children started SLOCA, and now she’s reclaiming her own education by learning alongside her kids. When not at school, she is most likely to be found driving her kids around to gymnastics, and looking for crock pot recipes so that dinner will be done when they get home! 

5. Born in Arizona but having spent most of her life in the Puget Sound region of Washington, this staff member loved school as a child and remembers pretending to have homework when she was 5 years old. She loves kids and loves learning, and found a perfect fit here at SLOCA. While in Washington, her family owned a produce farm, and she hopes to get back into growing her own produce here, among many other interests and ambitions! 

6. This local grew up in Paso Robles and also has a background in hospitality. She joined Team SLOCA after seeing what a positive impact the school had on her family, and witnessing first-hand the incredibly rich education being offered here. She loves overseas travel and would someday like to found her own charitable organization. 

Next week we will post the answers to today’s challenge!

Here are the answers to last week’s Lead Team Friday Faces (Great job, Joy Erb, for naming them all correctly in the comments last week!) :

1. Kateri Rein
2. Amy Calloway
3. Ashley Walter
4. Susie Theule
5. Merideth Eades
6. Cozy Faber

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