Monday Mix-Ins: Valley Forge through the Treaty of Paris - SLO Classical Academy
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Monday Mix-Ins: Valley Forge through the Treaty of Paris

Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown by John Trumbull, 1820
{Public domain via Wikimedia Commons}

“These are the times that try men's souls.”

~Thomas Paine

This week we look at a few links that will take us from one of the lowest points of the Revolution to the glorious victory that led to the independent United States of America. Some of the images may be grim (especially Valley Forge), so please preview the following videos for you kids:


The Revolutionary War Animated Map – This is actually a video from Campaign 1776, covering key points of the entire war (wish we'd found this earlier!), but you can skip ahead to the “War Transformed” section for Valley Forge, and watch from there. Or watch the whole thing as a nice review!

Valley Forge: A Winter Encampment – This is the Valley Forge National Historical Park's official orientation film, shown daily in the park theater. It is an overview of the historical events that took place at Valley Forge during the 1777-1778 winter encampment in the American Revolution:


Surviving Valley Forge – A short video about how the Continental Army survived the dire circumstances at Valley Forge:


Revolutionary War in 4 Minutes: Valley Forge – Also from Campaign 1776, Valley Forge National Historical Park Ranger David Lawrence describes the trials and successes of the Continental Army at Valley Forge (they have more 4-minute videos on their website as well):


Dear America Season 1 Episode 6: The Winter of the Red Snow –  This show is based on the popular history book series and the description of this episode is: “During the Revolutionary War, young Abby Stewart befriends Martha Washington and helps Revolutionary soldiers in Valley Forge, PA.” It can be rented on Amazon Prime.

Now or Never: The Yorktown Campaign – This is a well-made series of short video presentations, 10 chapters in all, about the Yorktown Campaign.


British Surrender at Yorktown:


The Treaty of Paris (1783):


Finally, this isn’t necessarily related specifically to this week, but for all you Hamilton (the musical) fans out there, PBS is currently running a documentary on its website, called Hamilton’s America: “…the documentary film that brings history to vivid life through the lens of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s pop culture Broadway phenomenon Hamilton.”



American Revolution by the Numbers Infographic – A nice visual from

Valley Forge Junior Ranger Activity Book – This is meant to be completed and turned in at the Valley Forge Visitor Center to earn a Junior Ranger Badge, but it looks fun (and educational) even if you’re not traveling out that way!

Historic Valley Forge Fun & Games (there’s also info about Valley Forge on this website)

Pivotal Events: Yorktown – Here’s a nice summary of this important event.

Revolutionary War Artillery – See the types of artillery used at Yorktown by the Americans, French and British.


The unfinished Treaty of Paris by Benjamin West – From left to right: John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple Franklin. The British delegation refused to pose, and the picture was never completed.
{Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons}

Yorktown “Newspaper article”

Siege of Yorktown animated battle

Treaty of Paris, 1783 map – The treaty established the boundaries shown in this map.

Songs of the Revolution – Info about popular songs of the time.

Revolutionary War Geography – A printable challenge to see if you know where the notable battles of the American Revolution took place. 

Revolutionary Timeline Decoding – Here’s another printable using key dates of the Revolution to decode a famous quote.

The Road to Revolution game – Next week we will post several fun games to wrap up this trimester’s history, but here’s one you can play now. Test your knowledge of everything we’ve learned about the American Revolution!


SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned websites, businesses, organizations, or individuals.

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