“We become human only in the company of other human beings. And this involves both opening our hearts and giving voice to our deepest convictions… When we shrink from the world, our souls shrink, too.”
~ Paul Rogat Loeb
We love when both tracks are able to get together and celebrate, like we do at our history day events. Are you getting excited for the end-of-the-year Civil War Picnic and Ball? The above quote brings to mind one of the many beauties of living in community, and choosing to be so involved in the education of our children. Rather than shrinking from the hard work of school and relationships, we want to embrace this full life of learning and living together! What a glorious reminder.
We encourage you once again to carve out electronics-free time to spend with your family and friends this weekend. Get outside together while the weather is sunny and enjoy all the green hills and local beauty!