Wednesday Wonders: Morning Meeting National Anthem - SLO Classical Academy
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Wednesday Wonders: Morning Meeting National Anthem

{photo by Paul Bischoff}

Those of you who are able to stay for the morning meetings at drop off know that from time to time different classes will come up in front of the school to present, demonstrate, or lead the students in some way. Lately Mrs. Wright has been guiding the students in learning and singing our national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner. A few weeks ago one of her Lower Middle School classes helped lead the song at morning meeting, and one of our parents fortuitously caught it on video. 

Mrs. Wright plans to incorporate more patriotic songs during morning meeting throughout the year as we continue our study of American history. Thank you, Mrs. Wright, for faithfully leading our morning meetings each day, for teaching our kids the songs of our country, and for bringing students up to take part! 



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