Monday Mix-ins: The End of the Civil War - SLO Classical Academy
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Monday Mix-ins: The End of the Civil War

Inscription of the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Memorial
{photo by Mr.TinDC via flickr}

Welcome back! We hope your family is returning to school well-rested and ready to go! 

Before we jump into this week's Mix-ins, we have TWO quick announcements:

1. Hamilton raffle tickets go on sale today, April 24th! Raffle tickets are $25/each and are available for purchase in the office or at the SLO Chamber of Commerce visitors’ center downtown. Interested parties can also call our office to purchase via telephone: 805.548.8700. 

2. In honor of Mother's Day coming up, SLOCA has partnered with Fleur Flowers of San Luis Obispo to offer our community the chance to buy a beautiful bouquet for their special someone. We are excited to kick off this sale TODAY, April 24th, through May 5th. Fleur Flowers is a small flower shop run by SLOCA mom Tami Dickerson. She has been curating stunning natural and organic bouquet arrangements since 1988. We are so grateful to use her expertise and offer you all the chance to partake! 

Visit her website to learn more.

Click here purchase a bouquet!

Now back to our regularly scheduled content… While we could easily spend more than a few weeks exploring links about the American Civil War, today we will pass along one more set of online resources on this topic that you can use on your home days. The focus here will be on the events leading up to the conclusion of the war, the Emancipation Proclamation, the assassination of President Lincoln, and the surrender of the South. We could go on and on, but here’s a good list to keep you occupied:


The Emancipation Proclamation – An overview from the Biography channel:


The Emancipation Strategy – A look at Lincoln’s decision, from National Geographic:


Lincoln’s Proclamation – Here’s another clip from National Geographic, about the most important document of the Civil War:


The Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln – Listen to the full text of the document (about 5 minutes long), from Librivox:


Barney Fife: The Emancipation Proclamation – You won’t learn much, but here’s another comedy interlude with this classic clip:


History in Five: Ulysses S. Grant – This is an interesting look at “Five things you need to know about General Ulysses S. Grant:


The Civil War in Four Minutes: Robert E. LeeLiving historian Frank Orlando describes the life and accomplishments of Robert E. Lee:


Grant versus Lee: The Wilderness to PetersburgThis video is from the 2007 Lee-Grant Exhibition at the Virginia Historical Society:


The Bloodiest Battle of the Civil War – From the Smithsonian channel, here’s a quick look at the battle of Gettysburg:


A Digital Reimagining of Gettysburg – In this TED-Ed talk, geographer Anne Knowles uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to reimagine the Battle of Gettysburg, the turning point of the Civil War. Good for those who loves tech and history:


Gettysburg 150th – Pickett’s Charge – Over 10,000 reenactors came out to participate in this event: the reenactment of Pickett’s Charge, the climax of the Battle of Gettysburg. This is pretty impressive!:


The Gettysburg Address– Another overview from the Biography channel:


The Gettysburg Address as read by Johnny Cash – Read along and listen to this famous speech, with accompanying pictures:


What Led to the South’s Surrender at Appomattox?This video takes a look at the reasons why the Army of Northern Virginia was out of options by April 9, 1865:


Surrender at Appomattox – 150th Anniversary – This is part of a reenactment that was filmed at the 150th Anniversary of Appomattox in Virginia:


The Secret Plot to Kill Abraham Lincoln Before the Civil War – From the Smithsonian Channel, this video describes how the president's life was threatened in the city of Baltimore during his inauguration tour in 1861:


The Plot to Kidnap Lincoln?A clip from “Lincoln’s Last Day,” also on the Smithsonian Channel:


What Booth Said After He Killed Lincoln – Another clip from “Lincoln’s Last Day.” Upon shooting Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth jumped onto the stage and condemned his victim in Latin – can any of our Latin scholars understand what he said?



The Civil War Discovery Trail This site links 641 websites in 35 states to inspire and to teach the story of the Civil War and its enduring impact on America.

Civil War Events timeline game

The American Civil War Simulation – An online activity designed to help kids understand the events and outcome of the American Civil War. You can play for the Union, the Confederacy, or against an opponen.

Emancipation Proclamation – View photos of the handwritten document from the National Archives.

Arlington House – The Robert E. Lee Memorial Virtual Museum Exhibit – Explore Arlington House and its most famous resident, Robert E. Lee.

Virtual Museum Exhibit at Vicksburg National Military Park – This exhibit features life in Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the 47-day siege of 1863, depicting the hardships of civilians and soldiers in a besieged city.  

Gettysburg Camp Life: Civil War Collections – From the National Park Museum, this exhibit showcases some of the belongings made or used by soldiers in Union and Confederate camps. 

Animated Map of the Battle of Gettysburg 

Gettysburg Battle Simulation

L. Prang & Co. print of the painting “Hancock at Gettysburg” by Thure de Thulstrup, showing Pickett's Charge.
{image restoration by Adam Cuerden [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons}

Symbols of Battle: Civil War Flags in NPS Collections – See flags from different battle and forts in the Civil War.

The Diary of a Civil War Nurse – Includes an interactive document.

More links to Civil War Diaries

Poetry and Music of the War Between the States – Get insight into the thoughts and emotions of those who faced each other across the battlefield, and those who waited for them at home, by reading the poems and songs written during and after the war.

Civil War History Center – There is so much more here… 

Harper’s Weekly, April 29, 1865This edition of Harper’s Weekly is a first edition description of the assassination and death of President Abraham Lincoln.


SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned websites, businesses, organizations, or individuals.

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