Happy Thursday, Down Home friends! We have another WONDERful moment to share with you today. Our beloved Primary teachers, Mrs. Perneel & Mrs. Koren, are joining us for today’s Thursday Thoughts. Let’s take a look and read on…
E.B. White once said, “Always be on the lookout for wonder.” Pop in to any one of our four Primary classes and you will easily find it. Wonder is defined simply as “to be curious”. Children in the grammar stage, especially the early grammar stage, are FULL of curiosity! Children are full of questions, sometimes spitting them out faster than you can answer them! Our Primary classrooms are built around wonder and filling children’s minds and imaginations with images, concepts, pictures and of course, beautiful stories, to further light the fire of wonder.
Take science for example! This trimester we have been focusing on a modified version of the scientific method with an exploration of bubbles! The students have been learning to predict, observe and later explain what they saw, experienced and learned. Each lesson begins with questions, and our role as teachers is to NOT interfere with the wonder process. We are there to solely facilitate and assist students to discovering on their own, allowing them to answer to their own wonder and amazement!
Those photos are so much fun! Thank you, Jodie Davies, for our featured image and thank you, Mrs. Perneel and Mrs. Koren for sharing your thoughts with us today and for those adorable pictures!