The Declaration of Independence - SLO Classical Academy
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The Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events…

We are focusing on the Declaration of Independence this week. There is a lot out there on this important document. We have collected for you a handful of fun resources and videos for enrichment. Enjoy!

Resource Links:

DK Find Out! The Declaration of Independence | A short summary of the importance of the document.

The Declaration of Independence Word Search | This is an online word search. Have fun finding words related to the D.O.I. (Declaration of Independence).

Find the Signers of the Declaration of Independence | This printable word search will help your students learn the names of the 56 signers of the D.O.I.

The Declaration of Independence | Read the whole document.

Memorization Game | Help your student memorize part of the Declaration of Independence with this game.

Declaration of Independence Jeopardy | Play your own game of Jeopardy to review facts about the D.O.I. (In memory of Alex Trebeck.)

Virtual Journey of the Declaration of Independence | Put together by the National Archives, this is a series of videos with actors portraying significant people who brought about the D.O.I.

Video Links:

*Parents, please preview for your students first.

What’s Really on the Back of the Declaration of Independence | A super short video that gives some fun details about the D.O.I.

What You Might Not Know About the Declaration of Independence | A TedEd video about the writing of the D.O.I.

Schoolhouse Rock Fireworks | A catchy song about the Declaration of Independence.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence | The D.O.I. read by a handful of famous actors.

The Declaration of Independence for Kids | A great video for all ages giving details about the D.O.I.

Writing the Declaration of Independence | A scene from the John Adams mini-series.

George Washington Reads The Declaration of Independence | A dramatic portrayal of the signing and the reading of the D.O.I.

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