Happy Friday! This will be the final Down Home blog post of 2020. What better way to finish off the year than with one more Friday Faces. We have just a few more amazing SLOCA staff to introduce to you.
Down Home will return in the new year. Have a healthy and restful break!
Also featured, Kateri Rein: Kateri Rein, High School Director.
What is your favorite book?
- Guy – Dante’s Divine Comedy. Imagination, theology, science, politics, history, love… all rolled up into one wonderful package!
- Carina – The Kissing Hand by Audrey Wood. As a child, I struggled with extreme separation anxiety and this book helped me cope with it. I now use it in the classroom with the children.
- Edie – I have many favorite books, but one of my favorites is Rick Atkinson’s Liberation Trilogy that covers the liberation of Europe during WW2. An Army at Dawn covers the war in North Africa, The Day of Battle covers the war in Sicily and Italy, and Guns at Last Light covers the war in Western Europe. An award-winning journalist, Atkinson writes a compelling battle narrative based on incredible research as well as telling the stories of individuals involved in this horrific war. Very thought-provoking.
- Kateri – I can’t choose! I guess my favorite depends on my mood.
- Julie – A Tale of Two Cities – I love the overarching themes of love, sacrifice & redemption.
- Anna – All-time favorite book: Little House series – ever since I was a girl the story of Laura and her family captured my heart. The wild, the adventure, the uncontrollable elements in each season. Even as an adult, I have loved reading this series to my children. Seeing the story fresh in their eyes brings me such joy. It was destiny that I ended up with the last name Ingalls!
What is your go-to reading spot?
- Guy – My Bed.
- Carina – In my backyard and on a hammock.
- Edie – Sitting in the sun on my front porch with a cup of coffee at hand.
- Kateri – My bed – it has a comfy reading pillow and the best light.
- Julie – Usually my bed at the end of the day.
- Anna – Anywhere warm with trees that I can string up my hammock. I usually end up snoozing at some point as well.
What is something that isn’t real but you desperately wish it was?
- Guy – The legendary child-rearing habits of the Pelican. (Pick up an ancient bestiary and find out).
- Carina – The ability to bring back loved ones.
- Edie – To have the ability that Samantha on the TV show Bewitched had – wiggle my nose and my house is instantly cleaned up!
- Kateri – Not desperately, but I think it would be cool to have some superpowers or perhaps a little pixie dust for flying.
- Julie – Teleportation, so I could visit my kids and grandbaby in Idaho whenever I wanted to.
- Anna – Narnia and the magic wardrobe.
Share with us one thing on your “Bucket List”.
- Guy – A solo show at the LACMA or Getty.
- Carina – To travel to Costa Rica!
- Edie – Go on a literary tour of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
- Kateri – Play the piano again, like my dad, for the joy of making music.
- Julie – To visit Denmark. My grandfather was born there.
- Anna – Visit Europe.