We have arrived at the last Friday in May!!! Remember that there is no school this coming Monday and Tuesday in honor of Memorial Day. And don’t forget to check out our Holiday Resource Packet on the parent portal for some Memorial Day enrichment resources.
Today, our upper middle school Latin teacher, Mrs. Sarah Weinschenk, will be teaching us another Latin phrase. Challenge yourself and your students to use it sometime this upcoming week.
This Week’s Latin Phrase: Esse Quam Videri
What does it mean?
Esse quam videri means: to be rather than to seem.
How is it used today?
This phrase reminds us to beware of hypocrisy and not to be too concerned with our image. Our being is way more important than our appearance. Nowadays the word “authentic” is quite popular. Authenticity is what this phrase is all about.
Why should we and our students be familiar with it?
As with all Latin phrases, it packs a lot of meaning into few words. There is something very satisfying in recognizing a deeply held truth in a pithy phrase from another language. It speaks to the common human experience across time, language, and cultures. Some people think it is pretentious or elitist to use Latin phrases. I disagree; if we are teaching others how to use and appreciate them, rather than showing off our own erudition.
Thank you, Mrs. Wienschenk!
Have a lovely long weekend!