Senior Projects: Enrique Lecha & Kiana McCrea - SLO Classical Academy
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Senior Projects: Enrique Lecha & Kiana McCrea

Happy Wednesday! We have two more senior projects to share with you today.

Enrique Lecha: Cows and Climate: Reducing your Ecological Footprint

For my senior project, I made a video about how individuals can reduce their ecological impact by eating less meat. I have always been passionate about the environment, so I wanted to help mitigate the issues facing it. However, as an individual, it felt as though there was little I could do to help solve these issues. I knew I was not the only person who felt this way. So my project was twofold: find the best way for individuals to reduce their ecological impact and then communicate it to a wide audience. Through my research, I discovered that reducing the amount of meat you consume has a large impact on important issues like climate change, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss. I then made a skit which presented my findings in a fun and engaging way, posting it on my youtube channel Zybymier Productions. My senior project helped me to find a way I, as a senior in high school, could help save the environment as well as communicating it to an audience, and I hope it will continue to help people like me in the future.

Watch Enrique’s Senior Project Presentation:

Kiana McCrea: The Power in Alternative Medicine: Using Prevention to Take Control of Your Health

For my project, I decided to create a binder filled with resources and information about Alternative medicine. A place to start exploring about how your body has the ability to heal itself.

On a personal note, due to their own concerns, my family started to seek out alternative ways of healing. I was fascinated by the world that was shown to them. So, I wanted to dive in deeper. How do our definitions of health and medicine cause us to become more removed from our body’s own processes. How can we change that? Don’t get me wrong, our mainstream medicine in use today has gotten us to where we are today, it has a place. Conventional medicine is really good for those emergency type situations. But, treating everything as an emergency isn’t the most effective. When it comes to other factors, like stress or nutrition, do you want to see a doctor that tells you the only answer is a pill or surgery?

CAM, or Complementary and Alternative medicine, believes in the body’s ability to heal itself, and allows us to figure out what we can do to support that process. My senior project focused on these four pillars that I claim to be essential to Alternative medicine: reducing stress, limiting toxins, connecting with emotions, boosting nutrition, and balancing lifestyle. Especially how not managing, but preventing disease with these pillars, allows us to harness the power in Alternative medicine.

Watch Kiana’s Senior Project Presentation:

Thank you Enrique and Kiana for your sharing your senior projects!

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