Senior Projects: Katherine Hamill and Zachary Rice - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Senior Projects: Katherine Hamill and Zachary Rice

As part of our spotlight on our Seniors, this week we are sharing Katherine Hamill and Zachary Rice’s Senior Projects.

Katherine Hamill: Authentic Leadership: Using Your Gifts to Inspire Others to Find Theirs

Exercise, nutrition, and overall health have always been important to me, but my high school years have really shown me the impact that they have on physical, mental, and emotional development. I have been an athlete for most of my life and that experience has influenced my desire to share what I’ve learned about the importance of self-care with others. When it came time to begin my senior project, I wanted to try to create an online community or platform for sharing what I know about health and fitness. The most important part for me was learning to do it in a way that felt authentic to me, as someone who is more introverted. Over the past year, I created a website, a social media account, and content to support my belief that taking the time to get to know yourself and doing more of the things that make you happy is so important to your health. Doing this will also help you to discover your unique gifts and how you can use them to live your best life.

Watch Katherine’s Senior Project presentation here.

Zachary Rice: On Aesthetics (or, A Conversation with Myself)


For years I’ve had questions in my mind about why art impacts people, and I had an opportunity over the last eight months to work on an argumentative piece discussing what art does between four fictional characters. This style of writing is a type of Platonic dialogue, a technique developed by Plato and exemplified best in The Republic: several fictional characters are placed in a conversation, and each of them represents a specific argument about the topic; the characters are left to discuss their ideas, and it’s this conversational style that made this technique so appealing to me for this project.

For this project, I set up a conversation between four characters who represented Ancient Greek, Medieval Christian, and Postmodern aesthetics, as well as my own understanding of aesthetics. Don’t be dissuaded if you don’t know what those are yet, because my presentation gives a brief introduction to each with examples in art. I hope you enjoy.


Watch Zachary’s Senior Project presentation here.


Thank you to Katherine and Zachary for sharing your hard work with our community.

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