Monday Mix-in’s is back! This year we are going back to posting about enrichment activities, websites and educational videos that correlate to the historical period being studied that week. In addition, we are also going to include our latin word for the week. Here at SLOCA, we have a latin word for each week of the school year. The list can be found in your parent packet from Parent Orientation and also in the Parent Portal, as we believe that the study of Latin is crucial to understanding our world.
Some useful videos from our Latin teachers:
Food for Thought: Why we should all learn to speak Latin
Latin Lingo series
Our weekly latin root/s for this week:
frustra: in vain {root often found in English: frustra-}
This may be one that you are feeling this week with the first full week of school! Be gentle with yourself and ease into those homeschool days. Mix up ‘school work’ spaces. Have favorite fruits waiting in the kitchen for a snack after a particularly hard assignment. Take lots of breaks and enjoy the (hopefully) nice weather! Take a breath and remind yourself that there is a lot of time to figure out your family’s groove.
History This Week
Barbarian Treasures | See examples here
Barbarian Metal Work | More examples here
The Book of Kells | Zoom in on pages from the Book of Kells.
Lindisfarne Gospels | See pages from the Lindisfarne Gospels, a famous manuscript, written by a monk on an island off the coast of northwest England.
Byzantine Mosaics | View Byzantine mosaics from Emperor Justinian’s palace.
Art from Byzantine Empire | See ivory carvings and other art from the Byzantine Empire.
Byzantine Timeline | “The Byzantine Empire lasted for over a thousand years, and it was home to the largest and most powerful empire in the world. This is a timeline of its history.”
Byzantine Games and Activities | Fun for kids!
*Parents, please preview for your students first.
Saint Augustine | Apostle of England
Emperor Justinian | Justinian‘s short biography:
Beowulf | History Channel – The Epic Legend of Beowulf
Beowulf | An animated TV movie from 1998 *Parents, please note that this may be too graphic for younger students so please preview it first:
SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above-mentioned websites, businesses or organizations.