3 Free Ways... - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

two free ways...

to give

Looking for some easy, low-impact ways to give back? We've got them for you, all listed below in one place! Whether you are a parent, extended family member, friend, neighbor or community supporter, this shortlist provides ways to pitch in!


shop with RaiseRight

(formerly known as Scrip)

This program allows you to purchase gift cards in many everyday categories including groceries, gas, restaurants and more. A percentage of each gift card purchased is credited back towards your (or your family of choice’s) tuition. Earn just by shopping for things you already need! 

Check out this video on how to make RaiseRight a way of life, visit the parent portal for the school code and email [email protected] if you have questions.


box tops

Instead of clipping from packages and checking expiration dates, all Box Tops will be earned digitally by scanning your receipt.

looking to support our school financially?