Middle Ages Trimester 1 Craft and Activity Links - SLO Classical Academy
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Middle Ages Trimester 1 Craft and Activity Links


Hail, lords and ladies! Today we have more supplemental links to share with you, and this time it’s medieval games, activities, printables, and things to make or do. Keep in mind that these are all completely optional, so if you find that you don’t have time to add in anything extra, don't feel any pressure to use these resources. Come back to this post later if you want to check them out at some point.

Often our teachers will provide links or resources to help with a specific assignment, but the following is a collection of activities you might use for something like: E&E, to follow an interest your child shows, to give them something fun to do that ties in with our history time period, or to occupy one child while you work with a sibling at home.

As you can imagine, there are many many websites with activity ideas all about The Middle Ages, but here’s a sampling to save you the trouble of searching. Enjoy:

Online Games and Activities:

  • Lego Castle Games – just for fun, here are some castle themed online games from Lego.
  • BBC’s Anglo-Saxons – aimed at elementary-aged kids, this interactive site offers a lot to explore about the Anglo-Saxon people, including photos, videos, activities, quizzes, fun facts, and a “Dig it Up” game.
  • We also just added this to last week’s post about supplemental videos:
    BBC School Radio: Viking Sagas  Description: This collection of Viking Sagas is told by Loki, Viking god of fire…and expert mischief-maker.


  • Fox and Geese game – instructions and printable board for this game that originated in Medieval times.

Things to Make and Do:

  • Mini Crossbow – this is not such an easy or quick craft for young ones, but if you have an industrious older student who can use an x-acto knife and a hot glue gun, or an adult who is willing to help, this is a very fun craft! The link is to a YouTube video that shows the crossbow being made, but you can also click here to sign up and get the pdf instructions for free.
  • BBC’s Hands-On History – here’s a short animated video about a day in the life of a Viking, plus activity ideas to download, like how to make a viking longship and a viking helmet.
  • Medieval Birthday Celebration – Planning a kid’s birthday party? Why not go medieval? (Then re-use some of these items throughout the year and at History Day!)

If you've found a great website that complements what we are doing at SLO Classical this year, please share it in the comments below. If any of the above links don’t work, please email Down Home and tell us. 

SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned websites or businesses.

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