“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”
~Bill Watterson
Throughout the summer on Wednesdays Down Home will be in the PRESENT – we will focus on summer activites, SLOCA events, and ideas for families to make the most out of our summer break.
Isn’t the above quote how we tend to think of summer, at least to some degree? Though we often get busy during this time of year, you have to admit it’s nice to have some days on the calendar that are unscheduled. So we hope that in your quest to balance down time and activities for your family, you have plenty of time to do all the nothing you want this summer. Write THAT on the calendar!
And now at the risk of contradicting what we just said, we do hope to see your lovely children at our SLOCA summer camps, which start the week of July 14th. There’s still time to sign up if you’d like – click here for more info and registration forms for our 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Wizard of Oz, and Fairy Tale camps, as well as our Writer’s Workshop for high schoolers.
Perhaps you can enjoy some time to do nothing while the kids are actively engaged in a week of fun learning!
SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with the above mentioned website.