2013 Down Home Tour: Donna Jacobson - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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2013 Down Home Tour: Donna Jacobson

{photo by Penny Malley}

Welcome back! Today we continue our Down Home Tour highlights. (If you missed our first home on the tour, click here.) Our second stop was the home of Donna and Rawley Jacobson, a Track B family in their 6th year at SLOCA with children Taryn (UMS) and Chase (Intermediate). 

The Jacobsons have a homeschool room where their supplies and desks are located, but the kids tend to spread out and do their schoolwork in other areas of the house as well. Donna keeps her grids on clipboards and they use their own version of the workbox system, shown here: 

{photo by Jenny Bischoff}

As kids complete the work in each box, they move the number label up to the chart above, making it easy to track their progress. Donna uses the bottom drawer of the workboxes to store work samples, notes about E&E activities, and anything else she wants to remember for progress reports, so that when the end of the trimester comes around, she has everything she needs in one spot. 

Donna has a fun wall in her school room that displays her kids’ artwork right alongside her world map and spelling tiles. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by their creative masterpieces, and it lends a great feel to the workspace!

{photo by Jenny Bischoff}

She found black magnetic boards to use for All About Spelling, which hang on her wall but easily lift off to use during a lesson if they want to move to the floor or to another room. 


{photos by Jenny Bischoff and Donna Jacobson}

For storage space, they took the doors off of the closet in the school room. It nicely holds all of their current school books and supplies. 

{photo by Jenny Bischoff}

This vertical storage rack works well for colored paper, scratch paper, and old grids:

{photo by Jenny Bischoff}

Another great idea Donna shared with us is how she keeps past schoolwork that she wants to save. She purchased these scrapbooking storage boxes from Michael’s and labels them with each child’s name and year: 

{photo by Penny Malley}

Donna, we deeply appreciate your hospitality in sharing your space with us, and the wonderful tips we learned from you – thank you! 

Next Monday we will show you our final home on this year’s Down Home tour…

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