May’s Character Trait: Courage - SLO Classical Academy
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May’s Character Trait: Courage


Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.


This month we're talking about the character trait of Courage:

Attempting difficult things that are worthwhile and facing difficulties and challenges with determination to do the right thing even when others don’t.

Studying the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, we have certainly encountered some incredible acts of courage in our history and literature readings. We’ve been inspired by the real lives of brave men and women who stood up for what was right in the face of fear and danger. For those of us who read Elijah of Buxton, we marveled at his courage as he rescued the slave woman's baby (and cried our eyes out, right?). Painful, but powerful.

How do we develop this kind of courage in our own lives? As we strive to foster character growth here at SLOCA, the Aristotle quote above gives us a logical answer – it is the result of habit. By doing courageous things, we become more courageous. 

So what are some small acts of bravery your family members might try this month? Maybe it’s trying a new kind of food (my daughter is getting up the courage to try sushi), or standing up for someone being picked on, or daring to be the only one with a different opinion than the group, or (as in the case of Merida, above, in Brave), maybe it’s apologizing to mend a hurt relationship. Perhaps it’s inviting someone to our SLOCA Parent Preview night on Monday!

In our everyday lives we may not be required to fight in a war, or escape from slavery in the dead of night, or even face an angry bear, but we can practice courage in the little things that push us out of our comfort zones. We can dare to be different.

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I will try again tomorrow.'

~Mary Anne Radmacher

How do you foster courage in your family? Leave a comment below and be entered in our drawing for an gift card. The drawing closes next Friday, May 10th!

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