SLOCA and Social Media - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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SLOCA and Social Media

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We are joined today by our Social Media Manager, Jeannett Gibson, who’s here to speak on the role of social media in the counter-cultural world of SLOCA.

We invite you to read on and join in! Also, our winner to our blog drawing will be announced below. 


It’s your friendly neighborhood social media manager and I’m popping by the blog to introduce myself. I’d like to give you a little bit of info about SLOCA’s social media pages and their intent.

My name is Jeannett Gibson and I’m a Track A mom with three kids at SLOCA (grades 6, 4, and 1) and a fourth kid at Grover Heights Elementary (1st grade). I also run the SLOCA Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages.

The purpose of social media for SLOCA is to simply meet people where they already are. Along with that, we add a little bit of beauty, make merry, and foster community in a different way.  If you aren’t a Facebook user, never heard of Pinterest, and think the ‘gram is for kids these days, IT’S OKAY.  You do NOT have to open accounts if you aren’t comfortable with it (but please do if you are there!).  We won’t ever post crucial things that you wouldn’t receive via email or some other manner, so don’t feel like you will be missing vital information.  Think of social media as a bonus to your SLOCA experience.



WhaSLOCA's Facebook postt we WILL be doing via social media is reminding you of upcoming events, meetings, and other goings on at the school.  So while you’re scrolling past your high school Spanish teacher’s poorly lit lunch photo, you might also see a friendly reminder to attend the parent history training, or that you should probably brush your 1st grader’s hair in the morning because school photos are the next day. (Not that this has ever happened to me.  ahem.)

We also share interesting articles, cool educational videos, and silly history jokes that the internet has so generously bequeathed us.  We strive to make you ‘aha’, share with the kids, and even illicit a little giggle from time to time through our page. All with that SLOCA twist of a love of learning.

A quick note about FB: Simply liking a FB page will not guarantee you actually see what we post.  It’s a really long explanation about constantly changing and mysterious algorithms that King Zuck and Co. devise, but if you would like to see our posts, we would urge you to interact in some way.  That can be a simple click of the like button, a quick comment, or even a share of our content to your friends list.  It doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. However, if you don’t engage, our content won’t make it into your feed and you’ll be missing out on all those goofy puns I’m posting!

To illustrate this point, SLOCA’s FB page has over 1,000 followers…and this post (click image on the right) only showed up in the feed of 88 people!  That means that even if you think you like our page, you are most likely not seeing anything!  Engage! Like! Comment! Share!


Instagram will closely follow the FB page, but without the articles and sign up links.  Here you’ll get photos of SLOCA happenings. We also reposts images from other SLOCA parents that we think you’d love to see (tag us @sloclassicalacademy if you post something from your home day!).


Over on Pinterest, we have a variety of boards, all with the goal of serving our community with inspiration and supplemental information.  We have boards full of pins for outdoor activities, math enrichment activities, medieval specific content (like costume ideas for history day!), as well as inspiring homeschool spaces.  It’s a great resource that we think you’ll love and we would be thrilled for you to follow along.

Overall, SLOCA’s social media presence should not feel like another thing for you to do.  We don’t want to add anything else to your plate. We hope that it serves as a way to use our resources and engage with you in a different (and oftentimes playful) way.  Feel free to recommend our pages to grandparents, family and friends! Include others who you think might be interested in our content too! The more the merrier!

See you on the ‘gram!

Thank you, Jeannett, for revealing the perks social media can be to those who attend SLOCA. We enjoy your Make Merry attitude and appreciate the content you share! We’ll “see” you online!

And now…for our blog drawing winner…it is:

Sharon Cumberland

Congratulations, Sharon! Please see Brenda Tebbets, our School Store Coordinator, to get your free “i wonder” tee!



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