Grands Day 2018 - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Grands Day 2018

Grands Day

Doesn’t this cake sum it all up? Our highly anticipated Grands Day is one of our most favorite events. On the blog today, we’ll share a few images of this awe-inspiring event. There are also plenty of other photos on our school Flickr site so make sure to check those out.

First, let’s look back to what Cozy Faber, our Development Director, shared with us about Grands Day through our Bare Necessities a few weeks ago.

Grands Day

From Cozy:

I have an Aunt Bunny.  She’s comical and short, half of her is very Italian and the other half is very Irish.  She’s filled to the brim with quips and quotes and zingers that are always ready for launch into any conversation, be it in person, on the phone or email.  I can hear her reaction loud and clear in my head whenever someone says something extraordinary––this week, the maxim on repeat is, “Ain’t it just grand!”

And, Grand it is!  Grand Days here at SLOCA warm the heart and validate the choice that we all have made to place our children in the hands of a school that cultivates their minds and character.  This is what the Grand folks in our children’s lives see when they visit SLOCA. They feel how each child is known and cared for by their teachers, they see the beautiful work the students produce each day, and they hear lovely literature and instruction we pour into them with every breath.  This goodness is palpable and sharing it with the people who matter most to them is a gift––a gift that benefits all parties involved.

It’s a beautiful time we share together when these VIPs are here at SLOCA: in fact, as Aunt Bunny would say, it’s really quite grand!

As we roamed through the halls and classrooms, what Cozy shared, “this goodness is palpable…” was quite evident in every, single grandparent AND student. Of course, our kids were so very proud and it was a sight to see!

With this in mind, thank you: Cozy, Shannon, Tiffany and the entire Grands Day team for pulling off yet another spectacular event! There were 165 Grands in attendance this year and they’re already anticipating the next time they come back!

A big thank you to Jessica Wilson (for these fun Little Wonders photos) and Jaime Mickey (for the photos on Flickr)!



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