You did it, friends! Today (for Track A) and tomorrow (for Track B) marks the end of our 2nd trimester!! Congratulations on yet another fantastic term!!! And for our Track A families, congratulations on making it to school on time (or mostly?) this morning! Springing forward can be a tough transition for some of us but we get a bit of time to catch up later this week. Give yourself some grace and spend some time celebrating what you and your students have accomplished in the last few months. Use our upcoming off days (after the parent-teacher conferences) to play, hang-out and simply be with your families.
Aside from a couple of short Daylight Saving Time resources, medieval art is the highlight of this week’s mix-in. We hope you enjoy what we’ve found! Have a beautiful week!
Resource Links:
Daylight Saving Time | 8 things you may not know
Arm Reliquary of St. Babylas | see a fantastic gold and silver relic container in the shape of a hand
Medieval Crown | see a dazzling crown studded with rubies, sapphires, and pearls.
Bestiaries | choose an animal and then click on the pictures to discover the weird and wonderful animals depicted in medieval manuscripts
Medieval Tapestry | zoom in on this beautiful piece of art
Video Links:
*Parents, please preview for your students first.
Daylight Saving Time 101 | by National Geographic
Medieval Art | discover it’s origins
Medieval Manuscripts | watch a video about how they were made
Medieval Goldsmiths | more about them and the techniques they used
Medieval Embroidery | watch an embroiderer recreate a medieval piece
Possible late-medieval clothing | see examples of what it may have looked like. This was made for a production set in the time of Henry VIII
Medieval Stained-Glass Windows | of Chartres Cathedral in France
SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above-mentioned websites, businesses or organizations.