WONDERing How to Balance Work and Play this Summer? - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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WONDERing How to Balance Work and Play this Summer?

Happy Monday, everyone! We’re back with our next Summer Stunner with a topic that many families can relate to. Let’s hear Jenny Bischoff’s thoughts on how she’s finding that right balance for her and her family. And if you have anything you’d like to share that works with your family dynamic, please comment below! We’d love to hear them!

{photos by Jenny Bischoff}

I love summer. It’s a glorious break from the usual routine, it allows our family extra time with friends, it’s a much-needed chance to catch up on sleep, and its slower pace provides space for those moments of Wonder to unfold. 

However, this summer I’m a working mom and we won’t have the full summer experience that I remember from when the kids were little. We won’t be going to the park or the beach or a museum or a friend’s house every day. And on the flip side, we won’t really have any boring days where there’s nothing to do! (Well I won’t, anyway…) 

My kids are a little older now, so we are probably past the park playdates, but they still need chances to get out in nature, and to have downtime away from screens. I have found that these two scenarios – being outdoors and being “bored” – present excellent opportunities for moments of Wonder to happen. And it’s just plain good for them. But when I’m busily juggling work and home life, It’s easy for me to ignore any opportunities for Wonder that come along with lazy (or not-so-lazy) summer days. And since my kids are older they really can fend for themselves most of the time, which only encourages me to work more. But despite my very real list of to-dos that I can’t ignore, I want to look for those Wonder moments that are unique to summertime and encourage my children to see them too. 

So I’m looking for ways to balance work and play this summer, and to leave room for Wonder in our busy lives. Since I’m new at this, I’ve asked other moms how they do it. Here are a few simple things I’ve gleaned from friends that I’m trying to incorporate this summer, to help both with getting work done from home, and with making time for Wonder:

  • Taking 1 day a week off to play – This summer I’m trying to get most or all of my work done in 4 days so that I can take one day a week to do something fun with the kids and focus on them. I have not executed this perfectly, but it’s a worthy goal and it helps us get to some of those things on our summer bucket list, like trying a hike we’ve never done, taking a day trip to Cambria, baking something new, or just going out for smoothies. It’s usually when I’m hanging out with my kids that my moments of Wonder happen. 
  • Going outside every day – I’m always sending the kids outside to play or read or explore, but how often do I step away from my computer to soak in some Vitamin D and fresh air? So on days when I’m working, I’m trying to get out for a quick walk, or even to just sit outside and read a book, watch the birds, or take a power nap for a short time. These small but effective breaks get me out of my to-do list and motivate me to find the Wonder in my own yard and neighborhood.
  • Swapping kids – This simple yet effective strategy is used by many parents and is probably not new to anyone. Since my kids are older and don’t need me to “watch” them constantly, we can have a friend or two over and I can still get some work done while they are happily engaged and hanging out (my kids are more likely to leave me alone, in fact, if they have a friend over). Or I’ll text a friend and ask if my kids can go to their house so that I can focus on a bigger work project if needed. Both arrangements play out really well and it just takes a little planning  – although last-minute requests often end up working out too! 
  • Having coffee with friends – My kids aren’t the only ones who need friend time. Since I’m working from home a lot during the summer break, I’m trying to have one of my friends over once in a while first thing in the morning for coffee, so that we can catch up on life and stay connected. There is a deep Wonder in friendship! I love our SLOCA community and my other dear friends, and I just have to be more intentional about spending time with them now that I’m a working mom. 

So yes, summer looks different this year and it certainly has its challenges as I work from home and try to keep my kids from going stir crazy or staying glued to their screens. We have the same summer struggles everyone else has. I would love to hear how you balance play and work – whether or not you have a job outside the home, there’s always so much work to be done! And I hope those of you who know me will ask me how it’s going and invite us to hang out. We’d love to join friends in finding Wonder on the Central Coast this summer!

1 thought on “WONDERing How to Balance Work and Play this Summer?”

  1. Seems like you are striking a good balance between work and play, Jenny…way to take advantage of both!

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