Friday Faces: Support Staff (Part One) - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces: Support Staff (Part One)

Welcome to another Friday Faces! It sure takes a lot of people to make SLOCA, well, SLOCA. We have quite a sizable team of people that do a variety of jobs and we call these fantastic people, Support Staff. There are so many Support Staff that we wouldn’t be able to do them all justice in just one post. So, today will be “part one” of our Friday Faces: Support Staff. Come back next Friday for “part two”: same questions, new faces!

Also — several of our Support Staff were featured in our Friday Faces: New Staff posts. Our new librarian: Nicole Durrant, Community Life Coordinator: Jenny Carey, Office Manager: Nikia Hendrickson, and Early Childhood Assistant Director: Mollie Bryson. If you haven’t had a chance yet to get to know these ladies, be sure to take a moment to catch up on your Friday Faces. 

If you could eliminate one chore from your life what would it be?

  • Josh: I would eliminate sweeping. If leaves never cluttered the driveway or if dust never settled on the floor, the world just might be a better place.
  • Shannon: Dishes! It’s never-ending!
  • Jenny: At this stage of life, cooking – which is strange to say, because I used to enjoy it quite a bit and probably will again one day. I just wish I never had to think about food. I’d love to have a fairy godmother (or personal chef) who would make healthy, flavorful meals and snacks for me and my family, every day. That sounds dreamy.
  • Valerie: Cleaning the inside of the oven.
  • Meagan: Laundry.
  • Debbie: Making the bed – I’m a terrible bed-maker!

Who inspires you to be better?

  • Josh: I am inspired by many people: my parents and my friends being the most prominent examples.
  • Shannon: So many people! I follow a lot of inspirational accounts on Instagram which challenge me to grow and become a better person every day. I try to surround myself with like-minded people, so my friends and I are always pushing each other. The goal right now is to pursue wholeness instead of perfection.
  • Jenny: Well, I just finished reading Little Women (again) and I have to say that Marmee sure inspires me to be better in just about every way – her generous love of others, her amazing parenting skills, her enduring patience, and faith. I have a ways to go.
  • Valerie: The first answer that comes to mind isn’t a person, but a few parenting books I routinely reach for at the end of the day that always inspire me to be more grateful, present, patient and fun.
  • Meagan: My children.
  • Debbie: My son – he’s a gift, and what better reason to strive for self-improvement? I learn so much about myself from parenting him, and I want to keep on learning and growing.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

  • Josh: The year 1998, then I would watch my own birth.
  • Shannon: I think I would like to go back to the Wild West. I imagine myself running through town on horseback with all the boys! Although the living conditions wouldn’t be great…especially as a woman.
  • Jenny: 1908, Prince Edward Island, Canada. I’ve always wished I could have known Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables. She and I would be kindred spirits, I’m sure of it.
  • Valerie: I’ve always pined for a time when people knew actual dances and didn’t just flail and/or grind all over the dance floor…so maybe the 1920s? Or perhaps some 19th-century waltz action?
  • Meagan: The 1940s for the fashion!
  • Debbie: 1792 (based on some reading I’ve done about Pride & Prejudice and Jane Austen).

What is your favorite board game or group sport?

  • Josh: Favorite board game is called Family Business and I like volleyball.
  • Shannon: I don’t know if this is considered a group sport, but horseback riding/racing. It’s so much fun running through the hills with a group of people and their horses. That feeling that you might fall off (but don’t!) is priceless.
  • Jenny: NOT Settlers of Catan, that’s for sure! I don’t think I have one favorite but I like Rummikub, and we always laugh a lot when we play Balderdash, though it’s definitely a “thinking” game and sometimes I’m not up for that. Another fun, kind of weird, go-to game in our house that I enjoy is Dixit.
  • Valerie: Volleyball!
  • Meagan: The Game of Life.
  • Debbie: Our neighborhood nerf wars – kids against adults…I always lose, though, lol.

Thank you for all you do Support Staff. We look forward to hearing from the rest of the team next week.


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