All professional fields require some specific training in order to qualify the individuals in that profession for the tasks related to it. Teachers are generally required to spend an additional year after college in preparation for their career. As home educators, we believe that you possess certain knowledge about your child that allows you to enter into teaching without all the child development and psychology classes required of our paid teaching staff. However, just as we seek to train our faculty in the specific curriculum being taught at SLOCA, we believe it is vitally important that all new teaching parents receive training in our writing and math curriculum. For writing we use the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) resources. This program makes a lot of sense once one gets familiarized with it, but until you receive some background, it can sound very complicated. The same is true of Singapore Math. While it helps to develop foundational skills necessary to become proficient in math, it does not present those skills in the same way with which many adults are familiar. We have found that, just as we take time for teacher inservice at the beginning of the year, it is wise to do the same with our teaching parents. We invite you to join us on Friday, August 24 to attend our IEW and Singapore Math curriculum training from 8:30 to 12:00. We hope you will join us as we work to sharpen the skills of our entire teaching team.
Thank you Troy! What a wonderful opportunity we have to be able to learn how to use these these exceptional programs with our students.