Happy Monday! Today, instead of the usual Magical Moments post, we want to introduce a new monthly feature for the blog, called “Fine Arts Focus.” One of our SLOCA staff members, Janice Phillips, has put together some wonderful supplemental resources and information about the artists, composers, and poets our students are learning about in class, and we want to let you know what to expect in the coming months:
Each Trimester here at SLO Classical Academy, we’re incorporating poetry, artists, and composers from the 19th Century in the classroom to further enrich our study of this time period. Here’s what’s happening around your SLOCA community:
Your students’ teachers are playing selections of Vivaldi, Mozart, or Beethoven at appropriate times during the day. They are looking at paintings from Rembrandt, Linnaeus, Audubon, Monet, Degas, Cassatt, Renoir, Van Gogh, and Cezzane. Students are also reading a poem each month from famous poets of this era.
- Art History Resources for the 19th Century
- Impressionist art
- Classics for Kids – great link to short biographies and clips of their works
Thank you Janice! Parents, look for November’s Fine Arts Focus to hit the blog next week, full of more detailed resources for Trimester 1. We hope you will enjoy this optional feature, and that it will enrich your appreciation of Fine Arts at home.
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