On Being Human: Meet the Speakers - SLO Classical Academy
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On Being Human: Meet the Speakers

The SLO Classical Academy virtual mini retreat, On Being Humanis coming up in just a few weeks on Saturday, February 6th. Are you planning on attending? Maybe you are not quite sure what it is all about. Maybe you are wondering why you should spend a few hours of your Saturday at this event. Well, today, we have the privilege of meeting the three fabulous speakers who will be presenting at the retreat: Dr. Anika Prather, Angel Adams Parham, and Jessica Hooten Wilson. (Jessica will be speaking at the SLOCA staff retreat.) We hope that your curiosity will be piqued as you read their answers to some fun get-to-know-you questions and as they share their vision for the On Being Human retreat.

Click HERE to learn more about the speakers, get all the retreat details, and register!

Meet the Speakers:

Tell us about your favorite book. Why do you think someone should add it to their reading list?

  • Anika – The Bible, because every single day it gives me wisdom to live by and hope no matter how dark times are. Also, The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin because of how he truthfully tells about his experience being Black in America BUT promotes that LOVE is the only way for our nation to heal.
  • Angel – The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Dickinson is a formidably beautiful writer with great insight into what it means to be human. She helped me survive adolescence with poetry that is filled with longing, joy, sadness, wonder, and everything in between. And now all these years later there’s poetry in her collection for so many different moods and stages of life. Some of my favorite poems of hers are “The Soul Selects her own society”, “Tell the truth but tell it slant”, “The first day’s night had come”. Just the tip of the iceberg…
  • Jessica – The Brothers Karamazov: it taught me about love for all people, forgiveness of those who hate you, and how foolish holiness looks in the world.

What is your go-to reading spot?

  • Anika – In my bedroom, sitting in my bed where I keep books stacked on my night table.
  • Angel – I have a lovely third-floor balcony that provides solitude and beauty. When the weather permits, I take my coffee and books and go up there.
  • Jessica – I love to read outside when I can, on my porch in the spring or fall. In a hammock during the summer.

What is one obscure thing you are talented at?

  • Anika – Needlework (crochet and knitting).
  • Angel – I play the cello! I’ve played since I was young and now am part of a wonderful little trio that meets weekly to play. Pre-COVID I also played in small ensembles at church services and concerts. The ability to make music is truly a joy and a privilege that elevates my soul.
  • Jessica – Decorating birthday cakes.

If you could be best friends with a fictional character in real life, who would it be?

  • Anika – Antigone because of her strength and willingness to stand boldly for what’s right at any cost.
  • Angel – This is very hard to say. There are many authors whom I love dearly (eg. Toni Morrison, Jamaica Kincaid, Maryse Conde) but many of their characters have very difficult lives and when I think of being “best friends” I think of sharing in that person’s life. While their books are beautiful and speak deeply to me, I couldn’t say I’d want to share in the very difficult circumstances their characters often face. So, if I’m to choose someone living a life that I like and admire and who I can imagine spending a lot of time with it would be Anne of Green Gables! I love her thirst for learning, voracious reading, and intellectual vocation. The books in the series go from her girlhood through to her adulthood so I can imagine growing up with her and becoming a teacher at a neighboring school.
  • Jessica – Eowyn–she’s a force to be reckoned with.

What are you most looking forward to in regards to the upcoming On Being Human retreat?

  • Anika – I am excited to share my vision for how Classical Education can be a part of our nation’s healing process. I have that much faith in it. I agreed to be a speaker because I feel that SLOCA and I agree on the importance of the right kind of education being integral to cultivating a new generation of world changers. I am hoping to show the connection between the Black narrative and the canon so that we can see how the themes connect to every human being and that by all of us realizing that, we can find a common ground.
  • Angel – I love the beauty and intellectual depth of classic texts and love to invite others to include more black writers within their definition of the classics. Immersing myself in these texts and the lives of their authors continues to furnish and deepen my imagination and it is my hope that as more of us do this we will have a greater understanding of how to live well together.
  • Jessica – Getting to learn from Angel and Anika, from whom I’ve already learned so much this past year. Any event they’re apart of, I’ll join.

How fun was that? Are you excited to hear more from these speakers? Don’t miss this inspiring event! This event is not just for SLOCA families! Everyone is welcome to attend. And it’s virtual, what’s easier than that?

Join us virtually Saturday, February 6th, 9:00 am-12:00 pm to learn how classical education can be a bridge across divides. SLOCA families will receive a free book with registration. Register now!

On Being Human: Click HERE to register!

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