Full Time Hybrid - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

full time hybrid

Complementing the Classical

We desire to make our education accessible to everyone in our community, so we've expanded to include full-time options in addition to our hybrid model. use the following diagram to discover the best option(s) for your family—simply click through our offerings to learn more.

little wonders:
year round + full time

A great option for dual income families.

To accommodate families who need or desire more educational care and input during the week, we offer full time options in Little Wonders (preschool and kindergarten). In kindergarten, this program is 5 days per week for the school year only, and students attend school alongside both hybrid tracks of students with a full-time teacher to ensure continuity of care. In preschool, this program is year-round, 5 days per week.

full time hybrid

1st–8th grade

We launched a new program in fall of 2021-22. We see this as a way to expand our offerings while upholding and reinforcing our tried and true collaborative model and educational values.

Beginning with the 2021-22 school year, we collapsed our 4-day program to expand, improve, and extend it to include 1st-8th grade students on both tracks. This new Full Time Hybrid Program builds on the strengths of what has set SLOCA apart—part time in-classroom instruction, part time teacher-planned home days—by emulating home days on campus with two designated spaces: one for Primary and Intermediate, one for LMS and UMS students. Full-time students are enrolled in either Track A or Track B and attend classes alongside hybrid students on normal school days. For their home days, students are under the care of Learning Leaders, who help them work through their grids, interact with the material, and work together as a team. These days are a rhythm of structured and casual with scheduled breaks, mimicking healthy home days! Spots are limited to keep our adult-to-student ratio low, allowing students to receive a high level of care and attention. The Full Time Hybrid Program is 4 days/week with the option to add Fridays for 5 days/week:

Why this program and not just full time in classrooms?

  • We believe good, dynamic classroom experiences are essential for true learning
  • We believe in the rhythm of moving between traditional learning environments and less structured environments where students have time to absorb and interact with what they’ve learned. It allows students more time for:
    • Observing, thinking, absorbing
    • Conversing about learning
    • Movement
    • Mind and brain space
  • We also believe in the power of families and smaller group settings

looking to fill your fridays?