Friday Faces: Look and Find… Lower and Upper Middle School - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Friday Faces: Look and Find… Lower and Upper Middle School

Today is the LAST DAY to enter Down Home's drawing for a chance to win a kombucha card at the school store!  Here's the blog post about the contest, or go straight to the response page:

Click here to submit your response.

And one more announcement – This looks like a wonderful opportunity for a family outing and E&E Hours: San Salvador Replica to visit Morro Bay. This is a replica of the first European ship to sail up the California coast in 1542, and it will be in Morro Bay between September 30th and October 9th, with daily public tours from 10 am to 6 pm. Click the link above for more info!

It’s Friday again, and that means another round of our Friday Faces Look and Find game! This time we bring your our middle school team – both Lower and Upper Middle School teachers. 

Instructions: read through the clues below and see if you can guess who each teacher is. (Record your answers in the comments to make it more fun!) To check your guesses and to learn more about these wonderful Team SLOCA members, see the Our Staff page and read more about each of our middle school teachers. 

(It’s interesting to note how often one teacher’s goal or desire to learn something new matches up with another teacher’s specialty. What a great community we have here!)

We will post today’s answers in next Friday’s blog, so stay tuned if you get stumped… Here are today's teachers to choose from:

Pamela Gerhardt
Guy Kinnear
Alanna Labine
AnnE Lorenzen
Cade Newman
Wendy Rey
Sarah Weinschenk
Jennifer Wright

1. This middle school teacher grew up in SLO. After leaving the area to earn a master’s degree in San Francisco, and to teach at Azusa Pacific University, he was happy to return to the area to teach at SLOCA. He related one important childhood experience which led to the realization that research and practice (in other words learning) makes you better… not talent. 

2. This teacher hails from the central valley of California, and homeschooled her own 6 children! It was this experience that let her to “realize how much I did not know and it sparked in me that life long passion for learning.” She knew one of our other SLOCA teachers from the days before SLOCA. When not at school, she can often be found working on her farm, among many other pursuits.

3. This teacher admits that she has been compared to Anne Shirley, and not just because of her hair! She says she knew from a very early age that she would someday be a teacher. She ended up in research while pursuing a Ph.D., and then discovered SLOCA and couldn’t help wishing she was teaching instead. A current research project of hers: keeping herbs alive in her home garden.

4. Here’s another middle school teacher who is from the CA central valley! His love of literature took root when he read Les Miserables in high school. He came to Cal Poly to pursue his degrees. Before stepping into his teaching role at SLOCA, he served on our school’s Board of Directors.

5. This teacher comes from “back East” and spent time teaching marine science on a research vessel to children in Rhode Island before heading “out West” to get her teaching credential at Cal Poly. Her favorite place to be is the ocean, but you can also often find her on her bike. In the year ahead, she would love to learn how to paint with watercolors and acrylics.

6. This middle school teacher grew up in Hollywood, CA, and her desire to learn to read and write was set on fire when her dad read books from his boyhood to her. She loves conversing with middle schoolers. In addition to teaching and furthering her own education, she is also writing her memoir, and working on an Introduction to Classical Greek.

7. The very first year SLOCA started, this current teacher was our Nice Office Lady (NOL). Since then she has been a vital part of our school in a few different roles, and this year she jumped into a new teaching position by joining the middle school team. One of her goals is to become “Grammar Girl.”

8. Here’s another teacher from the East Coast – she grew up in Pennsylvania, in fact. She recalls hour-long family dinners filled with lively conversation that were instrumental in cultivating a deep and lasting love of learning. Her father required her to wear a dress or skirt when going to the public library, which sent the message that it was an important event. When not teaching or discussing classics, you might find her riding her bike along one of SLO’s many scenic roadways or soaking up a good book.

Enter your answers in the comments below, then come back next week to see how you did!

Here are the answers to last week’s Primary and Intermediate Friday Faces:

1. Lisa Wallace
2. Melinda Fragasso
3. Caroline Vaccaro
4. Corin Koren
5. Ronelle Stowell
6. Kaitlyn Perry
7. Jennifer Perneel
8. Lisa Ann Dillon

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