Monday Mix-ins: The Thirty Years’ War - SLO Classical Academy
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Monday Mix-ins: The Thirty Years’ War

Thirty Years' War, siege and capture of Bautzen by the Elector of Saxony, John George I (1585-1656) by Matthäus Merian the Elder
{Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons}

Good Monday to you! Here are just a few mix-ins for this week, although we couldn’t find much in the way of videos for this topic:


The Last Valley – Not sure how historical this is, but this 1971 movie (rated PG) is set during the 30 Years War:

What is the Peace of Westphalia? – This video explains:



30 Years’ War Maps – Here are two nice maps from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The World of the Hapsburgs – A virtual exhibition showcasing the history of the Hapsburgs and their times.

Schönbrunn Palace – Take a virtual tour of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna. (Click on “Tour of the Palace” and click on the palace diagram or choose a room in the menu on the left.)

Protestant or Catholic Word Search

France Interacive Maps, Facts, and Activities for Kids


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