Friday Faces 2015: Safety Team - SLO Classical Academy
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Friday Faces 2015: Safety Team

{photo credit: Jessica Wilson, staff photos: Michelle Dorman}

Greetings! Welcome to the first installment of Friday Faces, our yearly blog series that introduces our families to Team SLOCA – all the teachers and staff who work here at SLO Classical Academy. We think it’s nice to know what everyone does around here, to be able to recognize the faces of those who are working with our kids each day, and to get to know a little about them.

We will start with the Safety Team. These are the wonderful people on our playground areas who are encouraging a safe and purposeful play environment for students while viewing the playground as an essential place for student opportunity and growth. We are so thankful for this caring crew!


Nicole Rhodes

Small Playground Lead (Track A)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  My children started at SLOCA last year.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: We learned about SLOCA from some of our homeschooling friends. We did some research, came in for a tour and knew this was a perfect fit for our family.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  Growing up, I always wanted to be two things. The first was a Mom, and the second was a teacher.  I originally went to college to become a teacher, but then decided to become a nurse. Now I get to be a nurse, a teacher for my children, and most importantly, a mom to five incredible children.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: This is a tough one! I own nearly 30 pairs, but wear only a few of them. I love my flip flops!

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  mushrooms, artichokes, olives and tomatoes – all my favorites

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  My most recents were: the Divergent series and Ina May's Spiritual Midwifery.


Edna Tonko

Small Playground Assistant (Track A) 
and Administrative Assistant

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: One year

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: As a family we have made an enormous investment in the classical education of our children.  Moving to CA because of a military move had us researching schools from Santa Barbara to SLO.  We came across SLOCA through a Google search and were immediately impressed.  SLOCA offered the classical education and the university model.  It was the transition, the subject expertise, and the professional conduct of those we met early on at SLOCA that set this school apart and we knew we had found our new home.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  I wanted to be a teacher, a flight attendant, and a news reporter.  I'm very fortunate to have taught in a classroom, and to continue to be a part of my children's education.  And although I didn't become a flight attendant, my husband's career has has given our family several travel opportunities around the world.  And although I didn't become a reporter,  I'm at ease being a spokesperson for things that matter to me and our family.  You could say I am everything I wanted to be!

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A:  It's not always as it appears.  I have many pairs of shoes but that's because I move from coast to coast.  I own everything from snow boots to flip flops.  

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Jalapeño 

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year..
A:  I enjoy reading all the Michael Gladwell books. And I try to keep up w/ the SLOCA reading list.


Pam Bartel

Small Playground Lead (Track B)
Big Playground Assistant (Track A)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  I am just starting as a playground staff member this Fall, 2015.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: My daughter-in-law teaches at SLOCA and my two grandsons attend SLOCA.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  I always wanted to be a secretary, but I became an elementary school teacher instead.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: I have about 14 pairs of black shoes, and one pair of white shoes.

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: I like pepperoni and black olives on my pizza.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  I read The Defining Decade by Meg Jay.


Lorrie Hamman

Small Playground Assistant (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This is our 3rd year. My daughter started Jr-K with Mrs. Indvik. Now she will be in 1st grade with Mrs. Perneel. 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: A friend mentioned her interest in the school for her kids and I decided that I loved the idea of having more time with my kids, without full-time homeschooling. I went to one of the meetings and fell in love with the community. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: Ha! Lots of things. A fighter pilot. A stewardess. A nurse. So many things along the way. But ultimately I knew I always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.  

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: 4, how sad is that?

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Pineapple and cheese with thick crust! 

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  Reading Little House on the Prairie books to my daughter has been so much fun.  It's been a very special time to share books from my childhood with her.  


Marisa Davey

Big Playground Lead (Track A and B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  I am just starting this school year.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: I had heard of your school when I moved to the Central Coast… and by applying to your ad.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A teacher or hair dresser. 

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Too many!

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: On pizza I like sausage, mushrooms, spinach, basil, tomatoes and cheese. Really any kind.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  The Shack 


Dalia Shaker

Big Playground Assistant (Track A)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  We have been at SLOCA for one year.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A:  We came for a far better, enriching, and challenging education that will last a lifetime.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  A movie producer

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A:  About 40 pairs

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  Pepperoni and sausage

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  The Chronicles of Narnia


Sharon Holland

Big Playground Assistant (Track A)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A:  I have just applied and, happily, I've been accepted for the job of a playground assistant. 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: My daughter-in-law, Ann Holland, asked me if I would be interested in the job. She knows how much I enjoy being with children, and wanted me involved in my grandsons' (David and Clive's), school life as much as possible. They will also be starting at SLOCA this year. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I wanted a large family–had aspirations to adopt as many children from different cultures and backgrounds as possible–and, because of my love for books, I dreamed of becoming a writer. I did end up with a fairly large family of three natural boys, and an adopted daughter from Peru. I've also written two YA novels, and although sitting down and writing a two hundred plus page novel is a joy, the process of getting published has daunted me.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Shocked to discover, after counting, I have twenty. Ludicrous, since flip flops are my staple, tennis shoes a worthy but far second, and my go-to comfy leather boots, third. Obviously, I need to make a thrift store run. 

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: Since I usually only eat the topping in order to spare myself unwanted carbs, I love any, and all, minus the anchovies.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  I belong to a book club and have recently read many wonderful books; having read To Kill a Mockingbird at least five times since early childhood, I recently picked up Harper Lee's second published novel, (actually first written), Go Set a Watchman. It was fascinating for many reasons.


Kary Antoniadis

Big Playground Assistant (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This fall we will begin our 4th year at SLOCA. 

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: My sister lent me The Well Trained Mind and the spark was ignited to pursue a classical education for my daughter. I was thrilled to discover SLOCA through a local online mom’s group. “SLO County Mommies,” of which Jennifer Perneel was a member. Several moms in this group who were interested in pursuing homeschooling organized a small meeting. That evening, I met Jennifer Perneel and Mary Knudson. After that evening and their thorough and passionate explanation of SLOCA, I was convinced this was the best fit for our daughter.  

But how to get my husband on board? A combination of another home meeting with Jennifer Perneel, and attending a Parent Preview night and listening to Susie explain her background and motivation for starting SLOCA. My husband really identified with her experience, and that solidified our decision. 

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
A: An archeologist

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: 16

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  I’m not a big pizza fan. It would have to be homemade sauce, mozzarella cheese, basil and tomato – the classic Margherita pizza Italian style!

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  I recently read Trouble by Gary Schmidt. Now I’m reading several books: Cleaning House by Kay Wills Wyma, Jamie’s Kitchen by Jamie Oliver, and Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words by Rod Bennett.


Rebecca Hulstine

Big Playground Assistant (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: This will be year 8.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: A friend told me about SLOCA.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  A mommy

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Too many…..20+

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A: canadian bacon, pineapple, mushrooms

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A: Mindset 


Michelle Stahnke

Big Playground Assistant (Track B)

Q: How long have you been at SLOCA?
A: We came in for the last trimester of the 2014-2015 school year, so we are still newbies.

Q: What brought you here? How did you discover our school? 
A: l have several wonderful, longtime friends who either work, or attend school, at SLOCA. We all met through our mom's group years ago and l have heard spectacular things all along. We are so happy to finally be a part of the SLOCA family!

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A professional singer or a park ranger

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Hmmm….l have no idea. I will guesstimate 30 pairs? 

Q: What do you like on your pizza?
A:  Pepperoni and black olive is my favorite.

Q: Name a book you read this summer and enjoyed, or have read this year.
A:  The Unseen by Katherine Webb. My husband, Adam, and l just did a backpacking trip out of the Yosemite High Country. We brought it along and took turns reading it to each other. It was a great read! 

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